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Thread: Update end week 4

  1. #1
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    Update end week 4

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    Ok guys, just 3 weeks left. Just 1,5 week with tren. Meaning. This SBC didnt work so well. Marcus got the best of me. I wont nail his level in just 3 weeks. What happened. U know, i told u, half of my damned drugs didnt make it. Just 250 sus and 200 tren and 20 mg dbol wont cut it. Ill bet everybody understand this.
    Hell im growing by the week but i was hoping to be hillarus big. Now im just pretty big.
    Also feel tired all the time, dont now why. Dont think caber alone can do this. Tren makes my feel sad to.
    But hey...time to finish this bitch, do a good pct and back to the drawingboard for the summer cutting cycle.
    Im stil young u know and ill bet mybloods isnt that bad, even if running orals and tren.
    Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 12-11-2016 at 11:05 AM.

  2. #2
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    Nice brother! Dont get down. You are doing awesome. Sucks about your gear. How many cycles are you hitting a year? I figured you would squeeze in a spring cycle...

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obspowerstroke View Post
    Nice brother! Dont get down. You are doing awesome. Sucks about your gear. How many cycles are you hitting a year? I figured you would squeeze in a spring cycle...
    Two...summercut n Christmasbulk

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silabolin View Post
    Two...summercut n Christmasbulk
    Damn you are just a big guy then. Nice avatar by the way. Shit man if you hit it hard enough you could be a damn high ranking pro.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obspowerstroke View Post

    Damn you are just a big guy then. Nice avatar by the way. Shit man if you hit it hard enough you could be a damn high ranking pro.
    Now we're talking bro

  6. #6
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    Rule number 1, dont cycle until you have everything at hand.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obspowerstroke View Post
    Damn you are just a big guy then. Nice avatar by the way. Shit man if you hit it hard enough you could be a damn high ranking pro.
    He is a big guy, but no amount of drugs could make him a high level pro. He doesn't even have the genetics to be a high level npc competitor.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by jstone View Post
    He is a big guy, but no amount of drugs could make him a high level pro. He doesn't even have the genetics to be a high level npc competitor.
    Hope you are joking.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obspowerstroke View Post
    Hope you are joking.
    Not at all he has zero chance at being a pro. Just because someone is big doesn't mean they can be an ifbb pro. You dont realize what kind of genes it takes to make a pro. Phil heath took 4 years to turn pro. Dallas McCarver is in his 20's and 300 lbs off season. Sorry but you are way off, sil has zero chance. Anybody here that knows anytbing about bodybuilding will tell you the same thing.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by jstone View Post
    Dallas McCarver is in his 20's and 300 lbs off season.

    In case someone's not familiar with's eye opening...

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  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by jstone View Post
    Not at all he has zero chance at being a pro. Just because someone is big doesn't mean they can be an ifbb pro. You dont realize what kind of genes it takes to make a pro. Phil heath took 4 years to turn pro. Dallas McCarver is in his 20's and 300 lbs off season. Sorry but you are way off, sil has zero chance. Anybody here that knows anytbing about bodybuilding will tell you the same thing.
    I was not saying sil is an elite. He is 260 and very proportioned. Yes he is capable of going pro. He does two cycles lighter than I do a year. If sil cut up some you would probably view him a little different. He has the genetics. Time is his only issue.
    By the way sil, dont let me down and tack on twenty more before you cut, since I stuck my neck out.
    Last edited by Obs; 12-12-2016 at 09:17 PM.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obspowerstroke View Post
    I was not saying sil is an elite. He is 260 and very proportioned. Yes he is capable of going pro. He does two cycles lighter than I do a year. If sil cut up some you would probably view him a little different. He has the genetics. Time is his only issue.
    I agree he is big, and especially if he cut some fat he would look much better. Its just being a pro takes a lot more than size. I know a few guys 260 to 300 pounds and well proportioned, but they also stand no chance at going pro. I know someone that is a ifbb physique pro, and he is trying this year to make a run for the Mr. O. It takes a lot to be a pro and the number one thing is genetics. I dont dislike sil and say he has no chance just to put him down. I have seen what it takes just to get nationally ranked in the npc, and I dont think sil has the genetics. I know I dont, and 99.8 percent of people dont have the genentics.

    when you said high level pro, I equate being a high level pro as someone who could win any of the big shows that are qualifiers for the Mr. O. So maybe our definition of high level pro is different.
    Last edited by jstone; 12-12-2016 at 09:21 PM.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by jstone View Post
    I agree he is big, and especially if he cut some fat he would look much better. Its just being a pro takes a lot more than size. I know a few guys 260 to 300 pounds and well proportioned, but they also stand no chance at going pro. I know someone that is a ifbb physique pro, and he is trying this year to make a run for the Mr. O. It takes a lot to be a pro and the number one thing is genetics. I dont dislike sil and say he has no chance just to put him down. I have seen what it takes just to get nationally ranked in the npc, and I dont think sil has the genetics. I know I dont, and 99.8 percent of people dont have the genentics.
    Ok. I'm no builder and I dont want to look like them, silabolin is right at or a little larger than I want to go. I figured you were a hater. Marcus made it popular to bust his balls. I only do it because I like the fucker.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obspowerstroke View Post
    Ok. I'm no builder and I dont want to look like them, silabolin is right at or a little larger than I want to go. I figured you were a hater. Marcus made it popular to bust his balls. I only do it because I like the fucker.
    Theres nobody here I hate on accept maybe Elvishk, but he is just a gay troll. If sil would hit some cardio and drop the water and fat he would look much bigger. Even if he lost 20lbs in the process he would look much bigger. Sil just needs to quit pushing sarms, but to each his own.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    In case someone's not familiar with's eye opening...

    He is cheating, it's clearly that box of M&Ms that has made him that big.

  16. #16
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    lol lol this made my day. Supertired and depressed caused failed e2 and prolacting due to the fukin cops. Yet, having forummembers seriously discussing my chances of getting a procard with dallas pics around turns my mood bigtime. So sad Marcus isnt here to discuss his opinion on this lol..
    My own take, i have friends from Norway that turned pro and they never put my motivation out. My thighs can be big enough, calves also, my back is already pro level. Shoulders will not fuck things up, Chestwize i need to get rid of my tear so i can handle heavy weigths again. Chest is too flat today. Bis is ok, a little synthol in tris and forarms and with a pro steroid cycle and i think i migth have a chance. Remember its much easier to turn pro in Norway than in the US.
    My midsection bonewize is the narrowest there is and shoulderwidth the broadest there is (around here)
    Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 12-13-2016 at 09:14 AM.

  17. #17
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    The percentage of norweigians becoming pro vs americans will be higher

    Norweigians have a much much much smaller population
    Last edited by TheTaxMan; 12-14-2016 at 10:58 AM.

  18. #18
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    exactly...u hear this jstone?

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silabolin View Post
    exactly...u hear this jstone?
    Prove me wrong then. I dont want to see you fail, im just realistic. The only pro card that counts is ifbb. Post a picture of your pro card and I will be the first to say I was wrong.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by jstone View Post
    Prove me wrong then. I dont want to see you fail, im just realistic. The only pro card that counts is ifbb. Post a picture of your pro card and I will be the first to say I was wrong.
    agree IFBB or nothing...

  21. #21
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    On a completely serious note Sila - Jstone is completely right. Genetics maketh pro. Its not about size, or how lean you get. It comes down to insertions, proportions, the size of your joints, waist size, and much more. Things you simply cannot change.

    You may get bigger, and leaner. You may bring up lagging body parts. You may even look better than all the guys on these forums. You wont get a procard.
    Specially if you continue to follow the practices of the walking oilbag, Dick Piana.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by krugerr View Post
    On a completely serious note Sila - Jstone is completely right. Genetics maketh pro. Its not about size, or how lean you get. It comes down to insertions, proportions, the size of your joints, waist size, and much more. Things you simply cannot change.

    You may get bigger, and leaner. You may bring up lagging body parts. You may even look better than all the guys on these forums. You wont get a procard.
    Specially if you continue to follow the practices of the walking oilbag, Dick Piana.
    The question is not becoming a pro or not. There are hundreds of pros. And some of them look like shit. The question is if i could hit a top ten placing.
    Just wait up for my cycle end pics. Im stil growing. Actually i did 260 kgs for 3 reps in the deads today and it was easy. I know u dont believe it but last week is stopped at 220 kg for 3 reps.
    Ok i did 335 kg 15 years ago but progressing on 250 test 200 tren and 20 mg dbol. My halfasscycle isnt that bad at all.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silabolin View Post progressing on 250 test 200 tren and 20 mg dbol. My halfasscycle isnt that bad at all.
    Nothing wrong with that cycle. Most guys do far more than they should. I've been espousing that here for years.
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  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Nothing wrong with that cycle. Most guys do far more than they should. I've been espousing that here for years.
    U seriously mean that kelkel? I guess my testlevels are just sligthly above a normal 20 year old.
    Ans this was supposed to be a SBC...just 6-7 weeks.

  25. #25
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    I'll chime in with my thoughts ..I've been bodybuilding/powerlifting hard off and on for 20 years I couldn't even stand in the shadow of a pro ..I've seen others I trained with over the years surpass me with half the effort food and gear from genetics and genetics only can see the difference in genetics right in the first years of bodybuilding..if you got it you got it..I do not ..I agree with the statement above 99.8 percent of ppl don't..that being said I think everyone can have a good body if they work at it..with or without gear..seen many in prison who look better than 99 percent of the ppl on gear from hard work and genetics..
    Last edited by KINGKONG; 12-17-2016 at 05:34 AM.

  26. #26
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    All that being said sil your a big Viking and I hope to continue to see you grow ..

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by KINGKONG View Post
    I'll chime in with my thoughts ..I've been bodybuilding/powerlifting hard off and on for 20 years I couldn't even stand in the shadow of a pro ..I've seen others I trained with over the years surpass me with half the effort food and gear from genetics and genetics only can see the difference in genetics right in the first years of bodybuilding..if you got it you got it..I do not ..I agree with the statement above 99.8 percent of ppl don't..that being said I think everyone can have a good body if they work at it..with or without gear..seen many in prison who look better than 99 percent of the ppl on gear from hard work and genetics..
    Rich Gaspari became a top pro even if he was not ment to be one...
    And i would not say Dave Palumbo has toppro genetics but man he could stand tall with them all in his era.

    And as Tom Platz put it. There is a gym body and there is a stagebody. Some guys look like Gods in the gym, but on stage they doesnt look good. And the opposite.
    My goal will stil be to shoot for the gymbody.
    Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 12-17-2016 at 07:06 AM.

  28. #28
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    What Kong said x 2. Crappy genetics here, but I just keep pounding out work outs. And from time to time, my reflection in the mirror puts a smile on my face.

    You've got an enviable physique Sil, wish I had a fraction of what you got - best of luck with your goals.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silabolin View Post
    U seriously mean that kelkel? I guess my testlevels are just sligthly above a normal 20 year old.
    Ans this was supposed to be a SBC...just 6-7 weeks.
    Yes, I'm serious. Your test levels should be much higher. If I run 120-140 test per week I'm in the 14-1500's total T. That being said, the tren will amplify things nicely and you should be making progress. If you're not then there's only one person to point the finger at!

    Guys need to get past the idea that there's a constant need for more to make progress. Instead they should be looking at improving their training intensity along with optimizing their nutrition. Imho there's always room to improve in those two areas.
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  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silabolin View Post
    And as Tom Platz put it. There is a gym body and there is a stagebody. Some guys look like Gods in the gym, but on stage they doesnt look good. And the opposite.
    That's a very true statement, and I like to think I'm quite objective. I've done my share of competing as well as judging shows years ago and no matter how big a guy looks in the gym, put him in a posing suit on stage and it's a completely different animal.
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    Just got back from working out. We have an IFBB pro train and do PT there, just saw him today, first time since late August. He's done previous Mr. Olympia's at 202 and 212 and just this year, the classic physique.

    He is shorter which may make his size a bit deceiving, but in work-out clothes you would only think of him as having one of the better physiques in the gym. On a given day, he might even get lost in the crowd - odd.
    Last edited by Proximal; 12-17-2016 at 09:50 PM.

  32. #32
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    The classic is neat. I think that is why arnold was such an amazing guy. He had amazing proportions and stomach but he was so freaking big! One of a kind definitely.

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post

    That's a very true statement, and I like to think I'm quite objective. I've done my share of competing as well as judging shows years ago and no matter how big a guy looks in the gym, put him in a posing suit on stage and it's a completely different animal.
    Wow...ur a judge aswell there kel? ya think about me...what ya think about me??? kidding. I realized soon..early 20s..the Tom Platz thing. At my first serious gym there were also a posing room. At the biggest chestpump at my first heavy run me and the guys gave the room a shot. I was big and ripped as hell. Looked like a God in the gym mirrors. But when i saw myself self in just my underwear in that room i understood i will never go to a stage. I remember a pic of shawn ray as a 21 year old. He was already an ifbb then. I was much much bigger but yet i understood. I wasnt even close in doing the same sport as Shawn.
    Well....but im happy. BB got me some real nice pussies i otherwize wouldnt even come close to.
    And even Dexter said looking attractive in front of the girls was one of his main reasons to continue

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silabolin View Post
    Wow...ur a judge aswell there kel? ya think about me...what ya think about me??? kidding. I realized soon..early 20s..the Tom Platz thing. At my first serious gym there were also a posing room. At the biggest chestpump at my first heavy run me and the guys gave the room a shot. I was big and ripped as hell. Looked like a God in the gym mirrors. But when i saw myself self in just my underwear in that room i understood i will never go to a stage. I remember a pic of shawn ray as a 21 year old. He was already an ifbb then. I was much much bigger but yet i understood. I wasnt even close in doing the same sport as Shawn.
    Well....but im happy. BB got me some real nice pussies i otherwize wouldnt even come close to.
    And even Dexter said looking attractive in front of the girls was one of his main reasons to continue
    Jesus thats a lot of work for pussy. I got more pussy at natural 190 than I ever will bigger. I think what got you the vagina was your own confidence. Bigger guys scare a lot lot of puss off. Hell, my girlfriend is worried about me getting more muscular. Its gonna be what its gonna be though. I wouldnt choose her over who I am and choose to be.

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silabolin View Post
    Wow...ur a judge aswell there kel? ya think about me...what ya think about me??? kidding. I realized soon..early 20s..the Tom Platz thing. At my first serious gym there were also a posing room. At the biggest chestpump at my first heavy run me and the guys gave the room a shot. I was big and ripped as hell. Looked like a God in the gym mirrors. But when i saw myself self in just my underwear in that room i understood i will never go to a stage. I remember a pic of shawn ray as a 21 year old. He was already an ifbb then. I was much much bigger but yet i understood. I wasnt even close in doing the same sport as Shawn.
    Well....but im happy. BB got me some real nice pussies i otherwize wouldnt even come close to.
    And even Dexter said looking attractive in front of the girls was one of his main reasons to continue

    It's been decades since I've judged but it was fun at the time. Re Shawn Ray I actually saw him win NPC Nationals in Atlantic City, NJ all those years ago. I think he was 22 at the time.
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  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obspowerstroke View Post
    The classic is neat. I think that is why arnold was such an amazing guy. He had amazing proportions and stomach but he was so freaking big! One of a kind definitely.
    Agreed about the classic. I feel they need to present it better next year though imo. Watched this years Mr. O for the first time in a long time, and although I marvel at the size these guys have, well they look a little boated/smooth to me on stage - prefer that "grainy" super-hard appearance.

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post

    It's been decades since I've judged but it was fun at the time. Re Shawn Ray I actually saw him win NPC Nationals in Atlantic City, NJ all those years ago. I think he was 22 at the time.
    22?....i think i remember i red he was the youngest to become pro at 21

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silabolin View Post
    22?....i think i remember i red he was the youngest to become pro at 21
    Could have been back then. He was born in 65 so either 21 or 22. Regardless, it was a great show to see at one of the casino's there. After pre-judging I was sure another competitor (Phil Hill) was going to win it but during the evening show Ray looked a ton better and won without question. I found this clip on you tube of the contest. Pretty cool:

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