Hey boys it's been a little while. Hope ur making so fvcking good gains and turning heads.
This is what I have been doing the last 8 months.
400mg test c
400mg deca
40mg dbol
6ui of hgh (godt)
3 days on 1 day off
Later in cycle switched it to
Matt Jansen custom program
(A lot like dogcrap training and muscle rounder workouts) 4on 1off
Est. Macros
Carbs 500g, 350g, 75g
July-sep (didn't grow as much as first cycle maybe 10lbs but made my gains solid)
Test c 400mg
Eq 600mg
6 ui hgh (godt)
Matt Jansen custom program
(A lot like dogcrap training and muscle rounder workouts) 4on 1off
Est. Macros
Carbs 300g, 350g, 100g
Test c 250mg
Test p 400mg
Tren a 400mg
Winny 50mg
Proviron 50mg
My own custom program 5on 2off
30mins cardiovascular post wo
Muscle rounders/pause reps/pyramid reps
I came to realize I do very bad with high fats. So what I did was cut them down a lot and started to cut up fast!!
Est. Macros
Carbs 350-400g, 350g, 25g