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Thread: About how much fat do you think I need to lose before my first cycle?

  1. #1

    About how much fat do you think I need to lose before my first cycle?

    I'm about to start getting serious about getting fit but I won't start steroids until I'm at a healthy body fat percentage. I'm 5'4 and currently about 185 pounds. About how much fat do you think I need to lose before my first cycle?
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    Last edited by AlexanderKMS; 10-17-2017 at 10:50 AM. Reason: Better wording

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    How old are you, and how long have you been lifting. Looks like to me you're in the mid to upper 20's body fat. Not only do you need to drop some bf first, but you need to build a strong platform to build on, reach your natural capabilities first. So unless you have low test, I would get diet right and continue to build a good platform first. To answer your question, most will say you need to be around 15% or less

  3. #3
    I'm 5'5, I won't touch aas until I'm 127-132.

    The very reason my July cycle is still on hold.

    But for you, you knock off all thoughts of steroids until you can get cut and muscle batty for easily 5 years first. You got some very good beginner gains waiting to happen, you just need to strict diet and dedication to gym and lifestyle

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