Very good frame brother what are your goals ??
Thanks man, goal is as close as I can get to an Arnold or a more contemporary physique like a "Davy Muscle" in the attached pic in this post. Basically fully developed pecs, tapered waist, big arms and shoulders, big legs. And developed traps. My weakest areas are quads (by a long shot), legs generally, and traps.
really good shape m8, very lean! whats your bf?
Lookin good bro. If I was you I'd get on a serious bulker since you're pretty damn lean already. What are you doing in terms of gear, if anything? Dude I feel like a sick cycle for you would be Test and NPP with a small 50mg eod dose of Tren Ace and a 4 week Dbol kickstart. I'm not a scientist but for some reason I feel like that combo would work great on your frame. I'd guess you're right around 10-11% btw.. Lookin good brotha keep it up!
Wanted to add - Great chest development ,too. I feel like you could put chest on the back burner a bit and put some more focus on your arms (biceps peaks and delts specifically)...Bi's are also a weak point for me so pls don't feel offended. Can't really see your back but it looks in proportion as far as I can see from that angle as you have a decent taper...Something I did to stimulate growth was to add in wide grip pull ups and machine curl super sets in every other workout (as long as my bi's and lats aren't sore I'm doin em!) and I've seen notable growth in a relatively short period of time (couple months). Once I feel like everything's in proportion I may go back to a traditional 2 day split but I actually really enjoy these deplteion workouts Ive been doing where Im goin balls to the wall, 2-3 exercises in a row, then a 30 second breather and right back into it. What's your approach to training currently?
Thanks for the tips man I appreciate all the advice. Couldn't agree more with what you said about the bi's, I feel like I have okay girth on them but the peaks are lacking. And the lats too, not enough "V" action, actually not enough action at all there. As far as gear, not on anything now and haven't been on anything ever. Definitely want to cycle at some point but it's just a matter of getting where I feel like I should be naturally (which I feel like may be 10-12 months away) and finding a reliable source. Right now I'm in gym five days a week: bis and tris; chest, legs, back, shoulders. Gotta up my leg game too big time.
Attached is a back pic that I was more or less happy with but I need to put in a lot of work to get back to that point. Also attached is a leg pic. Very "meh."
Last edited by Jackvanadelsberg; 01-16-2018 at 11:21 AM.
Hey man give yourself some credit you're doing a great f*ckin job so far. Looks like you're still making nice gains naturally so I agree you should ride the natty train for as long as you can. Just stick to your compound lifts and stimulate your bicep peaks at least 3 days a week (destroy em once a week but stim 3 times a week) and make sure you're feeding the muscle and you'll keep growing brotha !
Looking fit. God did not bless us all like he did KelKel with legs. Keep working and they will come.
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