Hey bro my bad for the delayed reply I forget to check these threads..Thanks for the compliments much appreciated!
I use differing rep ranges depending on what I'm focusing on for that day. Some days I'll go heavy (after my warm up sets) and stay in the 6-8 rep range.
Other days I'll do more super sets and stay in the 12-15 rep range.
I honestly don't focus on strength training as much as I do high intensity, back to back super sets of 2-3 different exercises at a time. That's my favorite way to train.
For example- I'll go to a cable machine and set up the cable row, lat pull down, and put ropes on the cable and drop it to the floor and hit cable rope curls, heavy cable rows, and then wide grip lat pull down back to back.. Then rest for 30 seconds, crank out a set of wide grip pull ups, then back into the curls...
Another example- I'll set up ropes for tricep pull downs, adjust same rope for cable curls, and on the other cable have a grip to do lateral raises and then crank those out back to back.
Another thing I'll do is hit abs through out my workout also as a filler so I'm not sitting idle at any point. I want to keep moving the entire 1 1/2 hours I'm in the gym.
When I'm doing compound lifts I may do one other exercise while everyone else is standing around doing nothing lol but making sure I'm using a muscle group that won't directly affect the muscle I'm using for the compound lift so it doesn't sap my strength. For example if I'm doing flat bench I may do reverse curls in between my sets. I firmly believe in staying busy in the gym and by the time you're done you've done 2-3 times the amount of work than everyone else in there.
That's the secret to sick gains my friend. I have made more gains in the last year training like this than I made in all previous years training with your typical bro splits. I came off a long lay off and had lost most of my gains so to be fair I have to factor in muscle memory.
Not sure if you saw the other thread I have on my progress but it shows my before pic of where I was a little less than a year ago. The difference is incredible. And I'm not tooting my own horn I work my ass off and use gear lol but still the proof is in the pudding. That picture proves that what I've been doing WORKS!
This is getting long but my answer to your second question is short.
I don't do anything for lower chest. If you look at the way your pectoral muscles wrap around your chest there is the larger pec minor covering the bottom and middle portion and pec major covering the top portion. So focusing on heavy flat bench and flies is sufficient for building up the pec minor. For the pec major (top portion) I do 2 exercises because I cannot do incline bench. My shoulder is susceptible to injury and incline bench is always how it happens so I stay away from it altogether. In my gym there is a shoulder press machine at about chest height and I'll stand facing the machine, lean forward a bit, and crank out reps on that thing and it hits upper chest beautifully.
The other thing I do is grab and bench and bring it over to the smith machine. Me and my boys will spend an hour on doing just this... We will start at a slight incline, and keep doing sets and with each set increasing the incline on the bench until we're doing compound shoulder presses. It's a great way to hit the entire chest with focus on the upper chest and also shoulders, and be able to go real heavy on shoulders which you wanna do once every 10 days or so.
Intended on giving a quick response and the words kept coming lol so here you go brother hope there's some useful info in there for ya.
I'd like to add for anyone reading this who doesn't agree, you can add in "IMO" after everyone of my statements