Last edited by debor; 02-26-2018 at 07:52 AM.
Could have easily got there without punching your hpta in the nuts.
Not hating. Just saying.
Had super low test levels never even had armpit hair untill i started to use gear.
Surely the right thing to do in that situstion would be to see a doctor?
Did you ever get bloodwork showing low test?
OP, Zues was in the same shoes as you not to long ago and was natty up till now and look a his natty gains in his avy...imagine the gains he will see since he has a very good muscle base to build on when he cycles...OP I know you don't want to here this but you are too young to even consider this and I know whats done is done but if you continue down this road you will be in a world of hurt because of the damage you are doing on your HPTA and endocrine systems while they are still are you going to do a PCT?...
awesome genetics brother ! you could have easily of been the next Mike O'hearn , but you ruined it by pinning AAS. what a shame
im on my last cycle now and im off forever and yes ill pct
i wonder what the next 6 months are going to be.. you know if you had low levels before and now you go back to them you will drop your gains most probably..
better check yourself with a doc
Ditto what paul said- if you have a physical issue of low t or some other hormonal imbalance or problem, you really need to see a doc and get that addressed. Coming off the gear is going to put you right back where you were, maybe worse- lose gains, metabolism slows, depression- theres alot of effects that will creep right back in. With a docs help, you get back to normal hormonal and/or test levels, the gains you got while on gear, you will be able to get and keep on a regular basis.
this is the problem with gear. People start working out and immediately jump on and they would have had the exact same results without the risk of permanent HPTA issues.
All jokes aside... Wish I had started at 19 and never quit.
no comment .![]()
Hope you really enjoy pinning might need TRt after this.
Are you 6'9?
if not, looking forward to see you at 165 lbs after your upcoming tren cycle....![]()
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