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Thread: Before Picture, going to run a cycle soon. Nervous

  1. #1

    Before Picture, going to run a cycle soon. Nervous

    okay guys, after reading and researching on the forum for a bit, conquering my injection fear (just do it!). I finally decided to go with my first cycle. here are my before pictures. I haven't measured my BF% but judging from the pictures on the sticky, I'm more of a 30-35%. 27 years old, I lift pretty intense 4-5 times maybe 6 times a week. I'm pretty active but I cannot manage to lose the love handles and lean out how I want to. my diet is pretty okay, I eat clean mon-fri, 3x a day. current supplements I'm taking, LIPO6 fat burner, LIT preworkout, and ON protein for post workout. my goal is to lose the love handles and gain more mass. current weight is 245lbs, looking to drop to 225-230 muscle. any input and criticism will be greatly appreciated.
    Last edited by UnStoppableATL; 06-21-2018 at 03:31 AM.

  2. #2
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    lot of guys will jump in here and say your body fat is too high to run a cycle and that you should cut naturally first. however, I'll just give you a better protocol that will take more fat off you then a Test only cycle would . cause if you run a cycle of Test, you'll likely be very susceptible to aromatization and begin getting very bloated and retain a bunch of water (the higher your body fat the more you convert test into estrogen).

    I would run a fat burning stack.
    Clen, T3, HGH-Frag, and VAR (run a testoerone support supplement with the VAR to prevent total HPTA shut down)

    run that as a first cycle and get your BF% way down. Then come back and do a Testosterone cycle.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    lot of guys will jump in here and say your body fat is too high to run a cycle and that you should cut naturally first. however, I'll just give you a better protocol that will take more fat off you then a Test only cycle would . cause if you run a cycle of Test, you'll likely be very susceptible to aromatization and begin getting very bloated and retain a bunch of water (the higher your body fat the more you convert test into estrogen).

    I would run a fat burning stack.
    Clen, T3, HGH-Frag, and VAR (run a testoerone support supplement with the VAR to prevent total HPTA shut down)

    run that as a first cycle and get your BF% way down. Then come back and do a Testosterone cycle.

    thank for the input, what testo support supplement for the VAR do you recommend?

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by UnStoppableATL View Post
    thank for the input, what testo support supplement for the VAR do you recommend?
    Valhalla Labs, Thors Hammer

  5. #5
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    I’d disagree with GH. Your diet is clearly lacking and even if you run the compounds he suggests your results will be poor without a diet overhaul.

    We have a diet section, please use it.

  6. #6
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    Agree with B in B above.

    If use all those pretty strong drugs (specially t3, messing with thyroid can be ugly) and are able to lose fat on the same diet, you will gain it all back once you stop.

  7. #7
    My diet isn’t too much of bad, if any, as of now, I’m doing 4-5 meals a day, the usual protein, carbs, and macros. The purpose for this is getting a more edge to losing some BF. I am losing slowly but surely, but to get more of a cutting edge for slimming down is the purpose for starting the cycle.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by UnStoppableATL View Post
    My diet isn’t too much of bad, if any, as of now, I’m doing 4-5 meals a day, the usual protein, carbs, and macros. The purpose for this is getting a more edge to losing some BF. I am losing slowly but surely, but to get more of a cutting edge for slimming down is the purpose for starting the cycle.
    4-5 meals a day could mean anything, you need to calculate your BMR, identify how many calories your burn per day and work from there. Put your self in a deficit and track exactly what your eating, either using an app like myfitnesspal or writing a diet plan which is weighed out every day to meet your caloric requirements.

    For all you know your 4-5 meals is excessive in calories, plus sugary drinks, snacks etc...

    Be honest with yourself.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black View Post
    I’d disagree with GH. Your diet is clearly lacking and even if you run the compounds he suggests your results will be poor without a diet overhaul.

    We have a diet section, please use it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    Agree with B in B above.

    If use all those pretty strong drugs (specially t3, messing with thyroid can be ugly) and are able to lose fat on the same diet, you will gain it all back once you stop.
    I agree with the above two posts ^^^

    IMHO you need to attack your bf by manipulating your diet and cardio into burning fat as fuel while maintaining muscle tissue. This needs to be done slowly and carefully while adjusting your diet and cardio so you retain as much tissue as possible, slower the better. Eventually you will come to a stop with your bf loss and things will become harder and harder to lose bf. Again at this stage you need to adjust again and go to war with your will power and slowly adjust your diet and cardio while maintaining muscle tissue, this is an art form which many find hard but once you learn how your body can do this via diet and cardio you will be in a very advantageous position to go forward with gaining tissue and losing bf. Once you come to the brick wall around the 3rd time this is the time to introduce some form of fat burning drug to help you springboard yourself into further fat loss while maintaining muscle tissue. Doing it this way will be far better for your body, mind and gains in the long run. To many people jump into drugs for the answer because they don't know any different but there are ways around this which will help you learn about your own body how it responds.

    When I want to lose bf my main aim is to keep muscle tissue or even gain a few lbs, gaining muscle tissue is one of the best ways to burn bf so keeping your training heavy and intense is the way to go while trying to lose bf. Many people go to far with cutting and lose precious muscle tissue, these guys go round in circles losing muscle then gaining muscle to only end up at the same place over and over again. Attack your bf slowly naturally and adjust accordingly unless its impossible for you to lose anymore then introduce some form of fat burner which will help you burn more bf at the level you will be at. The results will be better all round

  10. #10
    So what happened bro? You said you had already were starting your cycle. Did you cut like hell on gear? Are you bigger now? do tell!

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Don't forget to make sure that you have everything you need in line before you start..
    Last thing you want to do is start a cycle and the be midway through not having the proper equipment.

    Double check and make sure you have your ducks in line using this thread:

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