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Thread: Bulking cycle pre pics

  1. #1

    Bulking cycle pre pics

    Getting ready for my second cycle
    5'7 and a half
    My guess is 20% body fat but I really dont know
    Keto diet
    6 week cycle
    Test P 500mg weekly
    Deca 300mg a week
    Tren ethanate 250 a week
    Anadrol 50mg ED
    Dianobal 50mg (might hold off on this)
    Tamoxifen 50mg (if needed)

    Any suggestions, thoughts, criticisms, happy to hear
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	20180425_121137.jpg 
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Name:	20180425_121146.jpg 
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Name:	20180425_121231.jpg 
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ID:	172531   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	20180425_121327.jpg 
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ID:	172532  

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2017
    Destination Peaksville
    Ok my man there are a lot of things wrong with this picture..

    A lot of people will tell you to build a better base before cycling and to lose more body fat as well. I agree to an extent because you'll get better results long term if you build your base naturally and less sides to deal with if you're leaner before starting. However, it's your body and your life so I'm not gonna preach to you and I'm gonna help you put a decent cycle together cause what you have here makes no sense.

    The enanthate ester takes about 3 weeks to start taking effect and hormone levels are going to peak around week 5 (this is from personal exp not from wiki just for anyone who wants to nit pick)... So by you running a 6 week cycle with enanthate and decaonate esters makes no sense. Decaonate takes even longer to take effect than enanthate btw.

    If you want to run a 6 week cycle then use all short estered compounds..Such as Tren ace and NPP (Nandolone Phenyl Prop)....(Your choice of Test is correct)

    I would recommend running long esters as they are easier to manage IMO.

    I would highly recommend NOT running Anadrol and Dbol at the same time. I've known guys who've done it but they were professional bodybuilders and no offense bro but you hardly look like you lift.

    In my honest opinion I don't think you're ready to run a stack like this. That's an advanced cycle for guys who've built a lot of muscle over years of training and have run numerous cycles and really know what they're doing.

    You'll be MUCH better off running Test E at 500mg/week for 15 weeks (3 bottles) and a solid PCT.

    I wouldn't run Dbol cause you're body fat is high and Dbol aromatizes like crazy.. That can actually be a benefit to someone who's lean and not Gyno prone because the extra Estrogen will help build new muscle. But for someone at 20% + bf it's going to be a disaster for you. You'll be a bloated mess I promise you.

    Keep the Nolva on hand in case you get Gyno symptoms and keep an AI on hand in case your bloating gets too bad... Much of bloating can be controlled through diet but when your bf is high guys tend to bloat a lot more so you may need it...

    I'm honestly just trying to help you bro so I hope you don't take offense to what I'm telling you. Let me know if you have questions/ comments. Good luck man

  3. #3
    Hey bro. Thanks I appreciate the advice!

  4. #4
    So I'm not offended at all, I appreciate the input, so do you that I should or a person in general shouldnt run a bulking stack at all until my body fat between 10 and 15%? I was hoping to just build solid muscle and then try to cut weight with the added muscle. Everything I do is based around endurance, kettlebells, running, boxing, all high rep and mostly time based.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2018
    doesnt fffffff matter
    Quote Originally Posted by Thatfreakinguy View Post
    I was hoping to just build solid muscle and then try to cut weight with the added muscle. Everything I do is based around endurance, kettlebells, running, boxing, all high rep and mostly time based.
    Im shitting bricks training high intensity heavy duty style and thinking im not doing enough, just pity at my self for not pushing to the maximum and you telling me you doing kettlebells, running and boxing and trying to bulk while running that stack with that type of training?!!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    dont ask for a source thx
    hi I just wanted to add that the tren will not help you in your endurance will be very lethargic that's why I hate a mountain biker so I am an endurance athlete as well and finishing a cycle of tren as we speak and I wished I had not given tren another look because my results where the same as before, I feel like shit on rather run a gram of test then anymore tren...but like alpha said this cycle is poorly planned and will result in more sides then results in such a short time using such long esters...good luck...

  7. #7
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaMindz View Post
    Ok my man there are a lot of things wrong with this picture..

    A lot of people will tell you to build a better base before cycling and to lose more body fat as well. I agree to an extent because you'll get better results long term if you build your base naturally and less sides to deal with if you're leaner before starting. However, it's your body and your life so I'm not gonna preach to you and I'm gonna help you put a decent cycle together cause what you have here makes no sense.

    The enanthate ester takes about 3 weeks to start taking effect and hormone levels are going to peak around week 5 (this is from personal exp not from wiki just for anyone who wants to nit pick)... So by you running a 6 week cycle with enanthate and decaonate esters makes no sense. Decaonate takes even longer to take effect than enanthate btw.

    If you want to run a 6 week cycle then use all short estered compounds..Such as Tren ace and NPP (Nandolone Phenyl Prop)....(Your choice of Test is correct)

    I would recommend running long esters as they are easier to manage IMO.

    I would highly recommend NOT running Anadrol and Dbol at the same time. I've known guys who've done it but they were professional bodybuilders and no offense bro but you hardly look like you lift.

    In my honest opinion I don't think you're ready to run a stack like this. That's an advanced cycle for guys who've built a lot of muscle over years of training and have run numerous cycles and really know what they're doing.

    You'll be MUCH better off running Test E at 500mg/week for 15 weeks (3 bottles) and a solid PCT.

    I wouldn't run Dbol cause you're body fat is high and Dbol aromatizes like crazy.. That can actually be a benefit to someone who's lean and not Gyno prone because the extra Estrogen will help build new muscle. But for someone at 20% + bf it's going to be a disaster for you. You'll be a bloated mess I promise you.

    Keep the Nolva on hand in case you get Gyno symptoms and keep an AI on hand in case your bloating gets too bad... Much of bloating can be controlled through diet but when your bf is high guys tend to bloat a lot more so you may need it...

    I'm honestly just trying to help you bro so I hope you don't take offense to what I'm telling you. Let me know if you have questions/ comments. Good luck man

    What Alpha said.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2017
    Destination Peaksville
    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    What Alpha said.
    Thank you sir

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