24 years old.
stats -
bodyfat % - not sure, i'd say 18-20?
I used to be a pro rugby player so have the training down pat, now starting training pro wrestling and got some ambitious things I want to do with it. Been training in the gym for 9 years now and basically just want to put on some size and lean out a little. Never done any PED's before so this will be a first.
Just wondering what was everyone's first time like i terms of gains they made and sides?
lifts at the moment include
bench - 405x1
dead - 565x1
squat - 455x2
Im thinking something simple along the lines of -
wk 1-12: 500mg Test E, pinned 250mg twice per week
wk 7-12: 75mg Anavar ED
throw in a bit of aromasin as well and of coruse PCT from wk14-16