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  1. #1
    jabbaranch is offline New Member
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    Oct 2018

    30 years old - Questions for first cycle

    Hi guys,

    New to the forum and glad to be here

    I've been lifting for years naturally - although with varying consistency. For the last couple of years, I have drastically improved my diet and gym routine and the results have gotten exponentially better. I'm looking to start my first cycle in the near future and wanted to ask a few questions as well as set my expectations.

    This is probably the overall leanest and largest I've been in recent memory (I've been leaner and smaller and bigger but fatter) early this year

    6'2 205

    This is me now - hovering around 230lbs

    I am looking to drop another 20-30lbs naturally before starting up my first cycle.

    In terms of goals, I'm content with my size and am really looking for something that is going to help me shred up, maintain muscle (obviously some growth wouldnt hurt too) and generally get me to another level I've never been

    I'm thinking of starting simple - a 2 month Anavar cycle of around 30-40mg a day

    I'd also like to make a few things clear. I am totally cool with not cycling at all and continuing to stay natural if general feedback is that it isn't necessary or beneficial with my current physique or if I would benefit more from something other than Anavar.

    Look forward to your feedback and thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Windex is offline Staff ~ HRT Optimization Specialist
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    Mar 2011
    Arctic Circle
    If you decide to cycle then follow this

    Anavar only at 30-40mg is a waste of your time and money. That is bordering a female dose. Just follow the link it has all of the information you need to be successful.
    I no longer check my inbox. If you PM me I will not reply.

  3. #3
    Kay kay is offline Associate Member
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    I agree with and second windex’a post. Solid advice.

  4. #4
    thelpRem is offline New Member
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    Dec 2021
    United States


    thanks for the kind words we are all here to help and share what we learned. If you learn from a mistake it no longer is a mistake ,it is now a learning experience

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