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Thread: 1st ever Cycle / Test Enanthate only

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2017

    Log : 1st ever Cycle / Test Enanthate only


    Currently on week 3 :
    Amazing overall feeling , stronger at gym , libido on the roof , no sides at all pinning was very easy (swapping glutes - shoulders)

    Hey everyone ,
    This will be my log , I ll keep it update with pictures and questions towards you and how I overall feel while cycling .

    Stats :
    Age : 24 years old
    Height : 193cm
    Weight : 90 kg
    Years of training : all my life , I ve been playing sports competitive and I ve been hitting gym for 5 years straight ( 3 with knowledge ).

    Cycle :

    Test e 500mg/wk split into two doses Monday - Thursday
    Arimidex 0.25 every 3 days
    Hcg (ovitrelle) 250 mg twice a week
    I got nolvadex and clomi on hand for pct .

    Other supps:
    Vitamin c
    Omega 3
    Vitamin d

    Cycling between maintainance and 200-300 cals deficit

    Protein sources :
    Mostly chicken or beef with low fat , eggs .

    Any whole wheat , fruits mostly bananas and pineapple , veggies mostly broccoli lettuce cabbage , rice ,oats, sweet chili sauce , low sugar ketchup ( I add a little bit in some meals )

    Fats :
    Coconut oil , olive oil , sesame butter

    Pictures :

    Before :
    Best shape I had , all natural
    see attachments

    Questions :
    Notes about my cycle+ supps . Are enough ?
    How will this cycle affect my cardiovascular health ?
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	3BA6F455-C60E-4063-BB20-E71999E7BA1A.jpg 
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ID:	174890   Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	174891  
    Last edited by Getsomehate; 12-10-2018 at 04:59 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2017
    Bragging to someone
    Quote Originally Posted by Getsomehate View Post
    Any whole wheat , fruits mostly bananas and pineapple , veggies mostly broccoli lettuce cabbage , rice , sweet chili sauce , low sugar ketchup ( I add a little bit in some meals )
    if you want to put on muscle, then I'd rethink your carbs. Carbs are whats going to help you grow, especially while on AAS. . whole wheat, fruit, and veggies aren't the best choices imo (if they are your primary choices).
    do you know what your actual macro break down is, ie, total protein, carbs, fats, per day

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    if you want to put on muscle, then I'd rethink your carbs. Carbs are whats going to help you grow, especially while on AAS. . whole wheat, fruit, and veggies aren't the best choices imo (if they are your primary choices).
    do you know what your actual macro break down is, ie, total protein, carbs, fats, per day

    Yes my macros are 200-220g protein , 300-380g carbs , 85g fat.
    I thought my carbs were on check , what’s wrong with whole wheat ?they really help me reach fiber goal and I really enjoy them.
    And yea main source of carb intake is either whole wheat spaghetti which I love or rice + fruits (sometimes multigrain whole wheat bread ).
    My main goal is to pack lean muscle mass , I hate the bulking and cutting strategy .

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Getsomehate View Post
    Yes my macros are 200-220g protein , 300-380g carbs , 85g fat.
    I thought my carbs were on check , what’s wrong with whole wheat ?they really help me reach fiber goal and I really enjoy them.
    And yea main source of carb intake is either whole wheat spaghetti which I love or rice + fruits (sometimes multigrain whole wheat bread ).
    My main goal is to pack lean muscle mass , I hate the bulking and cutting strategy .
    whole wheat as a carb source on occasions is totally fine . fruit on occasions is totally fine.. however when running gear and trying to put on lean muscle, they should not be used as a primary carb source all the time, because --

    - Wheat contains anti-nutrients and fiber. both will slow down the absorption and assimilation of carbs/glucose and cause a much lesser hormonal response (ie, non anabolic response) from the body. carbs end up sitting in the gut, not getting fully absorbed, and then passing through the body (giving your bowel movements a lot more volume).
    for muscle building you want carbs that are very easy and rapidly digested, and that generate a greater hormonal response from the body.
    less 'shit' (literally) and more muscle.

    - Fruit again contains fiber as well as its main carb source being fructose. Fructose is the only carb source that CANNOT be used/stored as muscle glycogen (it can't build muscle or energize muscle), it can only be stored in the liver or eventually as fat.
    you want carbs that are easily stored as muscle glycogen. it is through these carbs that amino acids, water, nutrients, creatine, etc.. are able to get into muscle cells and build muscle.

    with those two carb sources as your main sources, your missing out on a lot of the anabolic nature of carbs. which I will argue that carbs are more anabolic then protein (as protein does not generate near the hormonal response that carbs do). protein is broken down into amino acids, and these amino acids are usually uptaken into muscle cells when you consume carbs, get an insulin response, and the insulin drives the carb/glucose into the muscle cell as glycogen, and the amino acids then are able to 'hitch a ride' into the cell as well.

    note: fiber is important. get only what you need though, as in abundance it can be a real nuisance

  5. #5
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    Nov 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    whole wheat as a carb source on occasions is totally fine . fruit on occasions is totally fine.. however when running gear and trying to put on lean muscle, they should not be used as a primary carb source all the time, because --

    - Wheat contains anti-nutrients and fiber. both will slow down the absorption and assimilation of carbs/glucose and cause a much lesser hormonal response (ie, non anabolic response) from the body. carbs end up sitting in the gut, not getting fully absorbed, and then passing through the body (giving your bowel movements a lot more volume).
    for muscle building you want carbs that are very easy and rapidly digested, and that generate a greater hormonal response from the body.
    less 'shit' (literally) and more muscle.

    - Fruit again contains fiber as well as its main carb source being fructose. Fructose is the only carb source that CANNOT be used/stored as muscle glycogen (it can't build muscle or energize muscle), it can only be stored in the liver or eventually as fat.
    you want carbs that are easily stored as muscle glycogen. it is through these carbs that amino acids, water, nutrients, creatine, etc.. are able to get into muscle cells and build muscle.

    with those two carb sources as your main sources, your missing out on a lot of the anabolic nature of carbs. which I will argue that carbs are more anabolic then protein (as protein does not generate near the hormonal response that carbs do). protein is broken down into amino acids, and these amino acids are usually uptaken into muscle cells when you consume carbs, get an insulin response, and the insulin drives the carb/glucose into the muscle cell as glycogen, and the amino acids then are able to 'hitch a ride' into the cell as well.

    note: fiber is important. get only what you need though, as in abundance it can be a real nuisance

    Ok , awesome information , so basically since i cannot cut on fruits , swapping whole wheat spaghetti with rice will be ideal right?
    Forgot i am consuming 200g oats daily x2 100g morning-evening.
    Thank you for your reply.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2017
    Into week 4

    Yesterday was my first injection of
    Week 4, left shoulder .
    Easy ,no problems injecting .took 0.25 Adex as well as 250 hcg.
    I ve gained 3kg overall on a cycling diet (maintenance - 200 calories deficit )

    Lifts are the same , overall I feel and look stronger , haven’t had any gynp issues or bloating but I don’t know if I am crushing my estrogens ,because I have insane mood swings .
    Sometimes I am very happy sometimes I worry that I might get a heart attack and I am depressed .
    Worth to note my I had a cardio gram triplex and bloods done with remarkably good results and no issues at all .
    I also feel my lung capacity is really bad, I don’t have shortness of breathe or breathing problems but I am getting tired easier than before .
    Any comments ?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    What blood work did you get done? Was it specific to check your cycle? The only way to know for sure about your Estrogen is blood work.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Charlie67 View Post
    What blood work did you get done? Was it specific to check your cycle? The only way to know for sure about your Estrogen is blood work.
    No i had blood works before cycle , which was a full check up and heart triplex.
    Havent done any blood works right now , but will do in christmas.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Getsomehate View Post
    Yes my macros are 200-220g protein , 300-380g carbs , 85g fat.
    I thought my carbs were on check , what’s wrong with whole wheat ?they really help me reach fiber goal and I really enjoy them.
    And yea main source of carb intake is either whole wheat spaghetti which I love or rice + fruits (sometimes multigrain whole wheat bread ).
    My main goal is to pack lean muscle mass , I hate the bulking and cutting strategy .
    Hey bro , I'm looking to do my first cycles but I'm having problem getting from a legit source. Is there any chance u can point me in the right direction. Thank u

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  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by hikarikatana84 View Post
    Hey bro , I'm looking to do my first cycles but I'm having problem getting from a legit source. Is there any chance u can point me in the right direction. Thank u

    Sent from my SM-G965F using Tapatalk
    Hey mate , no idea . my friends have connections and buy me all stuff from pharmacy when it comes to AI , Hcg and serms . Now for first cycle ,testosterone is a very easy to make product and u hardly get scammed , the only possibility is to be underdosed .
    I also buy staff from a professional bodybuilder in my gym , all legit stuff, ask someone in ur gym maybe

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by hikarikatana84 View Post
    Hey bro , I'm looking to do my first cycles but I'm having problem getting from a legit source. Is there any chance u can point me in the right direction. Thank u

    Sent from my SM-G965F using Tapatalk
    Hi Hikari,
    I see this is your first post, welcome to the board. Feel free to introduce yourself in the corresponding thread, I am on mobile or i would link it for you. But since you found this post, I have faith that you can find it.

    Sent from my LG-LS993 using Tapatalk

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Getsomehate View Post
    Hey mate , no idea . my friends have connections and buy me all stuff from pharmacy when it comes to AI , Hcg and serms . Now for first cycle ,testosterone is a very easy to make product and u hardly get scammed , the only possibility is to be underdosed .
    I also buy staff from a professional bodybuilder in my gym , all legit stuff, ask someone in ur gym maybe
    Thank for the response anyway. Hope u get the best from ur cycle. Cheer

    Sent from my SM-G965F using Tapatalk

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2017
    Week 5
    Yesterday was my 1st injection for week 5 , no problems at all.
    Also went for a blood checkup, cardiograph etc ,everything was perfect .
    I was worried because i thought my heart is making some weird things but probably were muscle cramps on my back because the exams were perfect and cardiologist said i am gucci.
    Overall i am stronger at Gym but nothing special, i am on +5kg keeping it lean .
    I am dissapointed with my diet the last 2 weeks and my sleep which both suck , i am studying for my MsC usually during nights and i miss the meal timing as well as hours of sleep.

    To note
    My supplier which happens to be a good friend as well ,wants to gift me test P +anavar for christmas , he said he ll hook me up for 2 weeks , 50mg test p 40mg anavar every day or eod , cant remember .
    Thing is i am on Test E , shall i say no to his offer? i am using a long ester and he offers me short .
    Last edited by Getsomehate; 11-27-2018 at 11:42 AM.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2017
    Week 6
    Its going pretty well , halfway on my cycle ,no big gains but i am getting there soon.
    4kg up on a lean diet, strength is very good .
    Bench press 125kg
    Squats:140kg (weak spot)

    I am getting no sides at all , reduced arimidex to 0.25 per week because i was getting depressed and i had insane mood swings when i was taking 1mg per week divided in 4 .
    0.25 seems to be sweet spot for me .

    Injecting on shoulders this week, 100% recommended for newbies like me , self injecting very easy without any trouble .
    Week 7 or 8 gonna post some progress pics during christmas time .

    Please respong to my previous week note if possible

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2018
    aka m.hornbuckle
    Quote Originally Posted by Getsomehate View Post
    Week 5
    Yesterday was my 1st injection for week 5 , no problems at all.
    Also went for a blood checkup, cardiograph etc ,everything was perfect .
    I was worried because i thought my heart is making some weird things but probably were muscle cramps on my back because the exams were perfect and cardiologist said i am gucci.
    Overall i am stronger at Gym but nothing special, i am on +5kg keeping it lean .
    I am dissapointed with my diet the last 2 weeks and my sleep which both suck , i am studying for my MsC usually during nights and i miss the meal timing as well as hours of sleep.

    To note
    My supplier which happens to be a good friend as well ,wants to gift me test P +anavar for christmas , he said he ll hook me up for 2 weeks , 50mg test p 40mg anavar every day or eod , cant remember .
    Thing is i am on Test E , shall i say no to his offer? i am using a long ester and he offers me short .
    So his offer is to inject you?

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post
    So his offer is to inject you?
    No he will give me anavar supply and test p free , for 2 weeks during Christmas .
    Last edited by Getsomehate; 12-05-2018 at 10:40 AM.

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    aka m.hornbuckle
    Quote Originally Posted by Getsomehate View Post
    No he will give me anavar supply and test p free , for 2 weeks during Christmas .
    So you have to see him daily for a preloaded syringe? And your daily dose of anavar?

    Or is he going to hand you a 14 day supply of each?

    If the latter, just take it and use it at your convenience.

    If the former, he's not much if a friend, giving you drugs to take on his terms only. That's a crock of sheeit.
    Last edited by Couchlockd; 12-05-2018 at 06:33 PM.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Nov 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post
    So you have to see him daily for a preloaded syringe? And your daily dose of anavar?

    Or is he going to hand you a 14 day supply of each?

    If the latter, just take it and use it at your convenience.

    If the former, he's not much if a friend, giving you drugs to take on his terms only. That's a crock of sheeit.
    No its the latter , he already handed me samples of Var and ordered me Test Sust as a gift.
    Thing is , if i ll fuck up bloods with this , as i am using slow ester.

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    aka m.hornbuckle
    Quote Originally Posted by Getsomehate View Post
    No its the latter , he already handed me samples of Var and ordered me Test Sust as a gift.
    Thing is , if i ll fuck up bloods with this , as i am using slow ester.
    Just stash it for later use or use it along side.

    Give yourself a 20mg test prop shot daily on top of your test e bi weekly dose.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Nov 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post
    Just stash it for later use or use it along side.

    Give yourself a 20mg test prop shot daily on top of your test e bi weekly dose.
    Bro i dont have test p xD
    All i have is test E for like 3 weeks more and then test Sust and Anavar

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Mar 2018
    aka m.hornbuckle
    Quote Originally Posted by Getsomehate View Post
    Bro i dont have test p xD
    All i have is test E for like 3 weeks more and then test Sust and Anavar
    Attachment 175146

    My bad I was just going off your post saying he was giving you test p.

    Sust would be pointless.

    The anavar would be great to run along side any gear

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Nov 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post
    Attachment 175146

    My bad I was just going off your post saying he was giving you test p.

    Sust would be pointless.

    The anavar would be great to run along side any gear
    np bro thanks for commenting

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Nov 2017
    Week 7
    Today is the end of it , pretty much the same stuff and as i promised i ll post 2 pictures i took during the week.
    Click image for larger version. 

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    Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	175185
    I can tell using arimidex drops all the water out clearly

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