I've always struggled to put on size, I fall into the ectomorph genetic pool pretty easily. I started lifting in grade 10 weight training class at a whopping 120lbs in soaked swim trunks looking for an easy credit. Fell in love with it and the added self confidence, grabbed a jug of protein and creatine and made it up to 165lbs solid and lean at 5'7. I got stuck there for years but was happy maintaining a good physique, fast forward to 25 two kids, moved to the country and got a hectic job with long hours. I didn't train for 3 years. Got separated, she split and I was left with 2 kids 80 percent of the time. I started smoking a pack a day and a putting back a couple 24s a week and bottomed out at my lowest around 150lbs, skinny, hurting, poor posture and rife with depression and anxiety.
Anyway ended up pulling myself out of it, quit smoking, cut back the booze, met a supportive amazing girl and decided it was time to cycle after I turned 30. I had been thinking about it and researching for years and even bought a few vials of test at one point but never pulled the trigger.
I put in 3 months back in the gym and stitched together a heavy calorie diet and stuck to it, clawed my way back got my shit in and woke up one day and said fuck it time to do this and pinned my shoulder. I've learned a ton on this cycle, made plenty of mistakes, but in the end its helped change my life. Working out is part of who I am and planning for this got my ass back into it which was exactly what I needed. I've been promoted twice now at work, bought a new beautiful house I fixed up for a steal and landed a smoking hot girl that's amazing with my kids. Well this dragged on but was therapeutic to reflect on....
Starting weight 158lbs
Peak weight 185lbs
Current weight 181lbs
I don't estimate body fat well. So if anyone wants to stab at it by all means. I dropped creatine, added cardio (hockey is my cardio) and lowered cals for a quick cut he last few weeks of my cycle to come into summer.