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  1. #1
    Terinox's Avatar
    Terinox is offline The One & Only
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    Terinox in May 2003

    This is me in May 2003.

    Weight 220lbs
    Height 5'6

    Finished off cycle of Sustanon @ 750mg a week for about 10 weeks.
    I've lost it all now pretty much, down to 190lbs Stupid work stupid job!
    Last edited by Terinox; 11-02-2006 at 07:36 PM.

  2. #2
    chicamahomico's Avatar
    chicamahomico is offline Respected Member
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    How long have you been training, how old are you, and what are your goals?

  3. #3
    Juggernaut's Avatar
    Juggernaut is offline AR Jester
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    Sorry to hear that big guy. Unexpected circumstances do tend to hender our goals now and then. Don't beat yourself up about it just regroup and hit it again.

    btw, I'm thinking of doing a sust cycle and was wondering if you ran anthing else with yours like dbol or EQ.

  4. #4
    Terinox's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chicamahomico
    How long have you been training, how old are you, and what are your goals?
    Been training for 3 and a 1/2 years now, pretty much serious throughout the entire time, except for the summers (they always lack). I end up going from working out 4-5 times a week, to working out like 1-2 times a week, due to work, and the diet turns to shit.

    I'm 21 years old, this was my second cycle I guess, although the first two were kinda weird, and didn't do much.

    In terms of goals, just like everyone else, lol, i wanna be huge, but kinda cut/lean also. Plan for now, is to keep a strict diet, keep working out hard, stay clean for about 3-4 months, and then hit a nice good cycle in January, not sure what yet. And then diet down after that.

  5. #5
    Terinox's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Juggernaut2148
    Sorry to hear that big guy. Unexpected circumstances do tend to hender our goals now and then. Don't beat yourself up about it just regroup and hit it again.

    btw, I'm thinking of doing a sust cycle and was wondering if you ran anthing else with yours like dbol or EQ.
    I ran it by itself. It was kinda weird though, I was using PVL and switched half way, so I think the cycle was kinda screwed up. Did about 7 weeks of PVL and switched half way to Karachi's, so it was like a 18 week cycle, but I don't count the time on PVL. I think Sustanon alone is quite good.

  6. #6
    FCECC2 is offline Anabolic Member
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    dang terinox!! you got a wide lats spread. is it stretch mark on your shoulders?

  7. #7
    TheMudMan's Avatar
    TheMudMan is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Your back is huge bro!

  8. #8
    punk_bbuilder's Avatar
    punk_bbuilder is offline Senior Member
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    I know work can really mess things up. Just keep your head up, try to get in when you can. Your only human and you have to do what you have to do to get by.

  9. #9
    Terinox's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TRLS63
    dang terinox!! you got a wide lats spread. is it stretch mark on your shoulders?
    Thanks for the replies guys, yes, I think my back is one of my strong points, and then, legs and biceps suck ass, LOL!

    TRLS63, yeah bro, I got stretch marks ALL OVER. They look really bad bro, dunno wtf to do, can't do anything really. Got them on my shoulders, along my biceps, on my back, on my sides (love handles), and some accross the stomach

  10. #10
    BDTR's Avatar
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    Best advice i can offer before hitting up another bulker is to either:

    Run a cutting cycle, do lots of cardio and eat totally clean

    Cut natty then hit a bulker.

    The reason i say this is that like me, you seem to be an endo/mesomorph so you put on muscle and fat easy. When you bulk, you'll wind up putting on more fat and it'll be even more discouraging when you cut. Huge back btw, hit up the forearms a little, it'll make your overall arm size seem larger.

  11. #11
    Doc M's Avatar
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    Terinox..Don't let the stretch marks beat you down..The skin is an amazing organ and it is much more capable of rebounding than most people think..You are still very young and over time I think you will definitely see those stretch marks fade away..My one strong suggestion to you is that you stabilize your weight and keep it consistent..Letting your weight fluctuate is only going to aggravate the problem..

    I am going to be straight forward and tell you that your cyce of Sust is probably not the best cycle for you, especially with that alone..With your height and thickness, you should really concentrate on cleaning your diet up and using AS that are going to encourage lean muscle tissue..Prop, EQ, Winstrol ..etc... I would stay totally away from any AS that are really best for bulking..This is certainly not a flame, just my honest opinion.. You have a strong base to build on and at your age you have more than enough time to build an awesome physique..Just keep your head in the game and it will happen.. ANd yes work can make it difficult, but I often work very long hours and I still force myself to get in a workout even if it has to be short and intense..Keep at it!!

    Doc M

    Quote Originally Posted by Terinox
    Thanks for the replies guys, yes, I think my back is one of my strong points, and then, legs and biceps suck ass, LOL!

    TRLS63, yeah bro, I got stretch marks ALL OVER. They look really bad bro, dunno wtf to do, can't do anything really. Got them on my shoulders, along my biceps, on my back, on my sides (love handles), and some accross the stomach

  12. #12
    symatech's Avatar
    symatech is offline Retired Moderator
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    What up bro! Sorry to hear you lost the gains. Did you keep any strength? I wouldn't fret too much, just get back in the gym and kick ass!

  13. #13
    Terinox's Avatar
    Terinox is offline The One & Only
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    Wow, thanks for all the replies guys

    bdtr - I get what you mean bro. Cutting sure is a pain in the ass, but it would be the best/smartest thing to do. I can put on weight very easily, and I guess muscle comes with it, but yes, more fat

    doc - You and bdtr, both right. It would probably be best to do a cycle like that, I just keep changing it around in my head, and not sure what to do. Seems like sometimes all I care about is strength, and busting up the weights With the school year starting tomorrow, I will hit the training REALLY hardcore, me and my buddies usually are very intense, just summers fuck us up. I will start doing cardio, start off with about 30 minutes of bike in the morning when I wake up (small bike i got in my room) and hope to at least maintain the weight for a while.

    symatech - I've lost quite a bit of strength, but also kept some though, it's hard to say (since I haven't been able to train very hard and intense lately). The main thing that suffered for me and my friend is chest, and it's gone down a lot. From hitting sets at 245lbs down to struggling with 205lbs I have kept some strength in other parts, like shoulders are fairly good, back is relatively the same and triceps.

    I'll try and get some more recent pics taken/uploaded, cuz remember, those were 3.5 months ago.

    And DOC, what kind of cycle would you recommend? Strength and cutting wise?


  14. #14
    Doc M's Avatar
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    I would have to say that if I were going to recommend a cycle it would involve Test Prop, EQ, Fina, and then close out the cycle with 5-6 weeks of Winstrol ..The only draw back with the EQ as far as cutting goes is if you experience the famous EQ hunger.. I have been on 500 mgs/wk and didn't really get it.. It is only a problem in my mind if you start eating a bunch of carbs and refined sugars that are basically empty calories..I think a key is making sure there are always protein sources readily available and prepared..

    I have been extremely pleased with my progress and I will say that I am leaner and more defined/vascular now than when I was 21 yrs old in the Marine Corps..I strongly beleive diet and proper nutrition is the key if you are going to get the full benefits of the cycle..

    Based on what you said you were concerned with: losing strength and muscle I think this is a good possibility..There are so many compounds that you could take such as Clen , T3, Ephedrine, Slin that would really lean you out, but I think these are not your best options right now..

    I think with the above cycle, solid nutrition, cardio first thing in the am on an empty stomach preceded by an ECA stack 3-4 days a week, and you would see some very good results..I will stress again though that if the diet plan is not well planned out you are setting yourself up for disappointment..

    You will undoubtedly get varying opinions on what cycle would be your best..That is what's great about this board..You can take all of the information and piece it together to fit your goals..Or you could totally skip the AS use for now and just hit it like an animal naturally taking advantage of your high Test levels that you have right now..It's all about options so just think it through and you will be successful..Keep us all posted..

    Doc M

  15. #15
    withoutd0ubt's Avatar
    withoutd0ubt is offline Associate Member
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    Terinox- you should be very proud of your back and once you lose a few % bf, you are gonna look like a damn monster.

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