Ok pete put it up. This shot was night before show last year, getting tan put on. Next week i will post my before pic, am getting ready for show in April.
Ok pete put it up. This shot was night before show last year, getting tan put on. Next week i will post my before pic, am getting ready for show in April.
here's second one
Nice physique!
Btw, is that some kinda paint you put on the muscles outline?![]()
It called shading, done with pro-tan and paint brush, just makes the cuts look a bit deeper, just have to be careful when your all done that it's not noticable, i believe you can be DQs marked down for sure. my avatar is me, so you can see, final look, also some pics down a bit.
Tan was about 4 coats of pro tan, then 1 coat of dream tan #2 in morning and second one before i went on stage.
Nice pics bro but iam not sure about the war paint......![]()
Lookin good EC....and you'll be bigger this year...you are considerably thicker and denser at present!! Nice wheels!! Damn...I hope we're not standing next to each other on stage![]()
I think the agreement was i will post my bloated fat ass before pics and you were going ot do the same. Going back to work on 7th, so will take some pics with ditigal cam, from work and post them.
I can see where you are going with the tanning cream. I have never seem it before but it looks like it works.
Capital X
Everything looks great Candy!
What did you place at the show?
Mallet was second LH, but was holding shitloads of water, looking for big improvements in april
looking awesome bro!
Look good man, love the wheels..your hard work shows!
Great phyique Eye_Candy.![]()
looking awesome bro,
but you need to brush up on your photo editor a bit LOL
photo editor, i just used paint brush to get rid of face. I am programmer don't know shit about photoshop
Like those cuts![]()
"Come and get some!"
very nice!!![]()
Shake Ya A$$!!!!
Look good bro, but I dont agree with the shawdowing, I've never heard of doing that, well once kidding aaround with my brother I was gonna have him airbrush striations but that was a joke. Be carful I am sure judges frown opon that. Otherwise looking good, where was your weight in those shots?
Jay Culter does shadowing big time, but yes your right not good if judges can tell, but if you look at my avatar or for my pic further down you will see final look, and you can't tell about shadowing. Just saying why i do it, i know you were not flaming.
I was 192lbs in those pics. between 5-6% but holding water. Make a few too many last min. mistakes.
Looking good bro, keep us posted on your next show...good luck
lookin awesome bro, are you competing this year??
Next show is April 20/02, not sure on wieght class going to be border line between LH and Heavy, right now 205 looks about right
are you doing the show in concord nc
looking good men
how may years are you training now and how old are you?
keep training hard
Very nice bra..
killer bic's i have been training since age 13 or so until 22 but gave it up for about 8 years when i came back i was 22% and nothing, been back at it for 3 years now. Closing in on 33 very fast!
I think you look great....I personally think you don't even need the shadowing...Keep up the good work.
Mod @ IronBodyBuilding.com
you looked so hard and defined.
Boo hoo..
But still you are good and I think you are growing bigger right?
Looking ripped...I agree with whoever said you don't even need the shadowing....keep it up.
Looking excellent bro
wow ripped and shreded as hell keep up the good work man and keep us posted on yah contests![]()
great physique...nice symmetry you got going on
Man you look a 100 times bigger in those pics than in your avatar....
Looking good bro. Keep up the good work.
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