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Thread: first time pics, need some advice

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2003

    first time pics, need some advice

    hey new here...i realize im prolly the smallest guy on this site, but i jus wanted to show u all a couple pics...ive been seriously thinkin lately about get a cycle of d-bol or something...and was kinda wanting to have some constructive critisizzzzm behind this thought....tell me what u think....good or bad i wanna know...i cant fix it..if i dont know its broken...thanx guys!
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    i have my hands on some d-bol, they're small pink, and i have 155 pills..
    i was wondering how i should stack them...and what i should stack with..NOTE: i dont have a huge finicial back up.haha.
    jus give me some insight guys..thanx...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Bro, please don't take this as a flame, but a myriad of things are wrong here.

    1) Seems like you have no training at all behind you, if you do we have no idea how long, and I know as a trainer you have a LOT of more natural potential and growth to encounter.
    2) All that alcohol behind you does not mix well w/any kind of AAS
    3) Research your ass off before you start anything.

    Really, I had to step back on this one as it seems as if you're in this blind.........



  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Freal i dont take that as a flame at all buddy, seriously i wanna know/hear all the bad things any one has to say...along with the good..(if any exist)..
    ..hmm i do have a lil bad ground behind me...ive been in and out of the gym for about the past 5 years...
    i worked out really hard and intense my freshmen and sophmore year of high school....then real lightly the following two years.
    i hit the gym really hard my freshmen year of college and put on some good solid mass....and then about the past 6-8 months..ive been goin at it.about 80%..which is soon about to change...
    heres a few of my specs
    the climax of my max bench press was 310 about 6 months ago..prolly somewhere around 275-289 now..
    body fat was tested out at 13.8% two weeks ago..
    and i stand about 6'1" and 190 on the scales.

    i welcome more and more comments..PLEASE list all you have to say..

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by timmz11
    hey new here...i realize im prolly the smallest guy on this site, but i jus wanted to show u all a couple pics...ive been seriously thinkin lately about get a cycle of d-bol or something...and was kinda wanting to have some constructive critisizzzzm behind this thought....tell me what u think....good or bad i wanna know...i cant fix it..if i dont know its broken...thanx guys!
    Could probably cut a little bit to make the pecs more defined, at 13-14% bf you look as though you were already carrying some water gain so I can imagine steroids could make you look like 20% BF before too long. I would cut down to 9% BF before considering roids, if your water gain or fat goes crazy on you while on roids, then it would be a waste of the cycle to try to cut back the carbs some to control the fattyness appearance and you are sure to get some water gain with the dbol. This might mean if no muscle is gained, you might have to loose 8-10 lbs to hit a 8-9% BF.

    Also all the booze... does double damage to liver with dbols as dbols are real hard on the liver, some people have ruined livers with just a month or two of oral steroids and alcohol combined. If you do the dbols, you cant drink at all during cycle and probably should dry out a couple weeks minimum before starting dbols. Any damage to the liver we make is a one way trip, the liver never reverses damage and its always permanent damage. Also is that rolling papers I see in the first picture under the stereo?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    South Jersey, near Philly

    All I can says is...booze, rifles , greased stained jeans.....Can we all say Redneck....Just bustin on you dude.

    I would not recommend at cycles at are too young and too undeveloped.

  7. #7
    I agree. Start off with a good routine before roids.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    rollings papers ? thats a negative...i really dont know what that is to tell you the truth..but i dont smoke...anything...and have never tried any drugs thus far..but thanx for the advice...i was wantin to drop about 10-15 lbs before i started my cycle anyways..but thanx for helpin out...
    oh and the grease stained jeans...comes from a steak a they get like that a lil.haha.but as far as being got the wrong part of kentucky big dawg.haha its cool tho..

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Here's some constructive criticism, though it's a little off topic:

    You've got a great attitude! You're receptive, haven't been defensive. If I were in KY I'd be happy to train ya.

    On topic:
    Listen to SwoleCat. You've got lots of room to improve without any drugs. Wait til you've reached your natural limits before reaching for your enhanced limits.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    hey ceps...thanx...
    but seriously...ive been liftin for about 5 years or so...and ive pretty much jus stopped with my gains...i mean i know you have stopping points...but soooner or later you always break them..but it jus seems as if im not gettin through this how do i know if i have that many more natural gains left..? and one more question..could any one tell me what the shelf live is on dbol...? like i said..i have some...and i dont want to to go to waste. but i think i have decided to hold off for a while before startin a cycle.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2003
    You look OK and are not the smallest on AR. I wouldn't try losing any weight at this point as you will also lose some muscle along with fat. Train heavy with basic movements and eat. Do some curls and work your triceps hard (2/3 of arm mass is triceps). Do some heavy dumbell shoulder presses, chins, incline barbell presses and squats. Research steroids and train for another year natural. Then you may want to consider a well thought out cycle. I don't neccessarily have a problem with young dudes over 18 using gear but you're not quite ready. 1 year will pass quickly. Hell, you may even be ready by spring if you bust your ass and get plenty of nutrition and rest.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    hey guys, stop flamming there! this dude does not look bad...

    i would really check your diet before taking anything, go for natural bulking cycle,to see how much you can take... go around the diet board, it may help you alot...!

    i don't think using something right now is a great idea...

    have a nice day!

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