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Thread: Pic and Question

  1. #1

    Pic and Question

    Hi guys i've been watching the board for a while and it's great. I've learned a lot and it seems there are a lot of knowledgeable people on here. Well My question is this do I do a steroid cycle and bulk up more? Do I try and diet and lower my bodyfat naturally? or do I go on a cycle and try and add muscle and lose fat at the same time? I have always found it's very hard to do both at the same time. My goals are basically this.. I want a lot more mass, being ripped right now isn't as important for me, although i would like to get that way at some point. I'm just afraid i've put on to much fat right now and bulking further would make me even fatter. Stats: 24, 6'0, about 230 lbs, 38 inch waist.. yeah i know it's big, chest 47, arms about 16.5, legs about 26. I've also never used steroids before, but have decided to use them to go to that next level because it seems i've been at this weight for ages.. and anymore weight i gain seems to be just fat!

    Here is a pic of me at about 205.. leanest i ever was, sorry guys about the furr, just be glad my wife shaves my back.. LOL. Also, i have a pic of me at 230, but i'm to embarrased to show it.. way to fat i think.

    Any input would be greatly appreciated

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	chest.jpg 
Views:	246 
Size:	29.9 KB 
ID:	25266  

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Nice arms and trapz!
    good overall shape..!

    i would suggest to go for a cutting cycle, then try again to bulk, i you see you don't grow anymore then you could go with steroid, there is also safer alternative then hardcore steroid that will make you growth!

    but dude! take this fur off!!! lol :P

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    hey if that ppic is 205, and you'rea at 230 now you need to do cardio. Not high intensity cardio, but medium. I would say two hours 3 days a week, and 1 hour 2 days a week. Steroids won't even work properly if you're cardiovascular system isn't up to bar, and if you still have a gut at 205 (in the pic), and you're at 230 now, you need to do cardio. Integrate it into your workout regimen, and do it for the next 1 -2 months. If you want to look better, and get bigger, you need to have all your ducks in a row, ya know. Oh, yeah only do 60 minutes of exercise at a time. So on those hard days, you'll be at the gym three different times.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    new york
    IMO it is probably time to cut up for a three to four month period. your waiste by measurement sounds a little big and as animal power said you look pretty soft at 205 so you must be bigger yet softer at 230.
    I agree to add muscle and lose fat at the same time takes great diciplin and genetics.

  5. #5
    guys thanks for the info, yeah i know i need to loose the fat, i've started doing low to moderate cardio about 3 days a week on the bike, get to watch tv.. hehe. Anyway i'm gonna try and get it up to an hour or so i guess.. Also my dieting skills have never been the best, but i'm working on that. So as far as doing a cycle goes you would recommend i wait till i'm a good bit leaner to kind of prime my body and then go on a bulk cycle. Ineteresting.. well i will continue to try and lean out naturally for now i guess.. Once again thanks for the info.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Buffalo NY
    If thats 205 and your at 230 now, I would definatly cut now, then bulk up again after the cut, try to get your weight back up to where it is now (or close atleast) but much leaner all naturally, then hit up the cycles after that. Anyway great job, arms traps all seem to have great shape to them, good luck.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    I think you should try shedding the extra fat you are carrying and see what you look like at around 10% body fat...

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