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Thread: My pics.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2004

    My pics.

    Still high in bodyfat but this one month ago. I'll dropped 1-2% till now and i'm wainting for my Lipo-6 and Guggel xtreme

    21 jears
    1.88 Meter
    88 kg

    I gonna start my first injection cycle in March.
    I'm gonna give some extra attention on the next body parts:

    - Triceps
    - Biceps
    - Forearms
    - Calves
    - Chest
    Last edited by bodybuildingjunkie; 01-29-2004 at 11:34 AM.

  2. #2
    RockyX's Avatar
    RockyX is offline Senior Member
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    Yeah bro, the lats look good, but I would definately hit the tris as chest pretty hard. I think if you hit the tris you could probably add some serious size to your arms. I have problems with the lower abs too, so your not alone. Cardio, diet, and lots of abs. Good luck with the cycle bro.

  3. #3
    DoubleHelix is offline Junior Member
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    yeah your lats look huge compared to the rest of your body. If you were shown from like sternum up youd look like you were in good shape body fat wise but youve got a bit of an hour glass figure going on. Good luck with the diet and cycle

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by DoubleHelix
    yeah your lats look huge compared to the rest of your body. If you were shown from like sternum up youd look like you were in good shape body fat wise but youve got a bit of an hour glass figure going on. Good luck with the diet and cycle
    I just love back workouts. Maybe because I’m a big fan of Dorian Yates. His back is really impressive.
    My arms sucks but I’m gonna hit them hard during my cycle.
    The problem with my body-fat is that most off it is at my lower back, this really sucks it's the hardest part two get rid of. But I got a bunch of yohimbine HCL.

  5. #5
    majorpecs's Avatar
    majorpecs is offline Anabolic Member
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    My arms sucks but I’m gonna hit them hard during my cycle.
    QUOTE]Bro...that's the wrong attitude. You need to HIT them HARD all the time not just on a cycle. You need to not concentrate on your strength's but your weaknesses......but good luck otherwise.

  6. #6
    Da Bull's Avatar
    Da Bull is offline Banned
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    Good luck bro.......keep working hard.

  7. #7
    Swellin Guest
    MajorPecs is need to be hitting your bi's hard before you try a cycle.
    Your delts and your lats are out of proportion to the rest of your isi time to prioritize another body part, and bring up the rest. As you do that, you will still be burning some fat.
    You have a very good shape...the wide lats will make the rest seem easy. You just have to prioritize the other parts and kick them into gear.

    Good luck!

  8. #8
    $L-Money is offline New Member
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    yeah homie hit the chest and triceps the triceps will get you some huge gains in your arm. plus dont forget the abs, dont be one of those guys that can deadlift alot but are of balanced by a weak midsection plus doing abs will fix that hour glass figure. keep up the hard work man. doing great!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    I hit the arms hard every week, but I’m gonna hit them harder during the cycle.
    There gonna be the priority with my chest and calves.
    I train my abs 2 times a week, but they are still covered with a bunch off fat.

  10. #10
    TheMudMan's Avatar
    TheMudMan is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    I would hold off on running AS right now. Looks like you could grow a lot more naturally for awhile.

  11. #11
    pumpseeker's Avatar
    pumpseeker is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bodybuildingjunkie
    I train my abs 2 times a week, but they are still covered with a bunch off fat.
    Of course, you realize working your abs is not going to remove the fat covering them? Start hitting the morning cardio bro...I'd try 4-5 days a week for 30 mins on an empty stomach. Drop the BF down and eat clean. IMO, you have a few years ahead of hard training before you hit your natural potential, and therefore a cycle. Mudman is right, you do not need AS right now.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    I know fat isn't gona gett off with abworkout.
    I'm on dieet for 2 weeks now, but i'm still waiting for my fatburners.

    I know i'm not at my natural potential, i'm training for more than 5 jears now and i just want some extra gains. I don't got the potention too grow fast naturaly, some people do and i don't.
    I don't want too get freaky huge. So i'm going on roids once a jear will help me get the fysiek that i want a bit sooner then training for an other 5 jears.

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