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  1. #1
    tatty's Avatar
    tatty is offline Member
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    tatty before the new year.

    uh...i posted long time ago, and well, haven't moved weightwise after being sick on and off and stopping during the summer for 3 months....but, hopefully I can hit 175lbs under 10% sometime during the new year!

    Oh happy new year folks...


    23, 155lbs, 5'7", training for 2 years or so. might hit a cycle after reaching my goal...

    ***edit - first - May '02, second - Jun. '03, third - Dec, '03.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails tatty before the new year.-p147-b-may-02.jpg   tatty before the new year.-2.jpg   tatty before the new year.-1.jpg  
    Last edited by tatty; 01-05-2004 at 08:39 PM.

  2. #2
    tatty's Avatar
    tatty is offline Member
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    Jun 2002
    most pics are the same...updated wheels...needs work as usual.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails tatty before the new year.-2.jpg   tatty before the new year.-4.jpg   tatty before the new year.-01.06.04legb.jpg  
    Last edited by tatty; 01-06-2004 at 08:07 PM.

  3. #3
    Devourer's Avatar
    Devourer is offline Senior Member
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    good pics man. you look like you have a great frame up top. pack on some more size and you'll look nasty.AD

  4. #4
    RoChamp is offline New Member
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    Bucharest, Romania
    i belive you have a good base to start with, actually you seem to have either good genetics for shouldersd and arms or just give them a lot of importance.
    you should not forget that a bodybuilder should develop his whole body in a more or less equal manner. if not you will never reach your full potential.
    and if you don't SQUAT hard you'll never reach half of your potential for anything, especially if you choose to train natural.
    so my advice to you is to hit some weighted pullups, bent over rows, and squats. also it looks like you should do some serious deadlifts once every 10-14 days.

  5. #5
    RageControl's Avatar
    RageControl is offline Senior Member
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    Yea looks like you have a killer base to pack on weight. lookin good bro !

  6. #6
    pumpseeker's Avatar
    pumpseeker is offline Senior Member
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    Tatty, you have a great base bro. RoChamp said what was on my mind. Your arms, delts and chest are showing much more development than your back and legs. I agree that some heavy rowing, deads, and squatting would give your physique a good balance. You have a good V taper...hit those legs and make it an X taper bro! Good to see your pics and thanks for the nice comments on mine... Peace

  7. #7
    tatty's Avatar
    tatty is offline Member
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    I completely agree with the back and legs comments from you all. I'm trying to increase the deads and intensify the squats as much as possible, but I guess progress will come in due time. An X taper would be very nice... cheers

  8. #8
    tatty's Avatar
    tatty is offline Member
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    Jun 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by RoChamp
    i belive you have a good base to start with, actually you seem to have either good genetics for shouldersd and arms or just give them a lot of importance.
    you should not forget that a bodybuilder should develop his whole body in a more or less equal manner. if not you will never reach your full potential.
    and if you don't SQUAT hard you'll never reach half of your potential for anything, especially if you choose to train natural.
    so my advice to you is to hit some weighted pullups, bent over rows, and squats. also it looks like you should do some serious deadlifts once every 10-14 days.
    I try to equally train every body part of mine, but for some odd reason always thought my shoulders and arms lacked. Little did I know, I've been prioritizing the wrong parts!

    Thanks for the advice. It means alot coming from someone that is as experienced as yourself.

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