Gained 25lbs in first 3weeks
Gained 25lbs in first 3weeks
Another picture
Wow. Any other pics, can't..... see....... the...... wheels! LOL!
You look great. That preacher curl shot is amazing.
How many cycles have you done?
zthis guy has 32" wheels. I have no wheels comparing to this guyOriginally Posted by skinnyasian
Actually I don't like big legs anymore, really. I prefer to have small legs since i don;t compete, this way I still can wear some expensive jeans
One more thing...That preacher curl shot should be put in the AR inspiration thread. I keep my own stock of inspiring pics. That one's going in my collection.
Keep growin' so I have someone to keep trying to catch up to.
I never counted them bro. I will turn 28 years old soon. I started 8 years ago. I was really mad when i started and did at least 3 cycles every year and some of them were 4-5months long.Originally Posted by BASK8KACE
I've been off for about one year, had no chance to train and eat right. Now I'm finally back to the juice![]()
Look Great Bro...
Awesome pics, very inspirational![]()
what exactly are we lookin at in the last pic ?? please don't tell me skull krushers - are those 45's ?? or were you doin close grip with the EZ curl bar ??
Originally Posted by KeyMastur
wooww looking very big, and i think those are 25's
That is exactly how I want to look one day. Dream big they always tell me.
Nice pics bro. I am pretty sure those are 25's and he is doing close grip bench. Just guessing from his form in the picture.
Again, looking good bro. What are your stats?
great to here your back in action ret. good luck
Very impressive, they look like 25s to me too.
You look awesome man![]()
Good to see you back in it, reta.
Looking large and in charge Ret...
So you want to share with us what you
gained 25lbs with in only 3 weeks???![]()
He was off for a year diet, training, and gear.........coming back should makeOriginally Posted by buff87
for an easy 25lb gain for someone who know's what they are doing.
Yes skull krusher is a good name for this excerciseOriginally Posted by KeyMastur
Its over 100kilograms on the grip bros. I'm very strong in this move, this is the best picture my partner could do because I'm doing reps very fast. But yes it maybe looks looks like I was doing close grip bench. 100kilos is something like 450lbs. I'm doing it for 6reps with no problems. No one can do the same weight in my gym
I'm doing preacher curls and skull crushers non stop then give myself a break for few minutes and do it again.
You're right, I was **** small when I started my cycle, my mass and strength is slowly getting back to me now. Oh yes I was taking Body Research Danabol and it kick ass! Best dbol I tried for the past 3 years! Except russian of courseOriginally Posted by majorpecs
Very good stuff, I stacked it with virormone, testex, GH and slin. Now I hate testex, yeah it worked great but it gave me very bad acne in a short period of time so now I switched to oxandrolone, EQ and tren. probably adding tren wasn't a good ideaIt gives me acne too and I want to **** everything what moves around
100kg = 220lbs Ret450lbs is 205kg
Awsome pics, Russians are serius in the gym!!
yeah I was about to say your skin is looking better than before - I remember the last time you would look like a peperoni pizza was growing on your back and shoulders
And I DO hope you changed those ugly curtains you used to have upor was that at Vovan's house?
Yeah? Oh well I was jokingOriginally Posted by palme
And I've been waiting for some funny replies bro, you ****ed up everything! LOL
Hey Cycleon I bought a new house, I paid over $500k for itBut I took my old ugly curtnains and wall papers there!
I'll post pics soon, I just moved in, I really enjoy it because now I leave in the woods, far from the center of Moscow
I cant imagine the motif in your house with that lovely curtain and wallpaper set (tsarist for sure) - but I would guess that 500K would buy a very nice house out in the countryside
anyone calling you a boyar yet?
good to see ya ret. looking large bro.
**** bro! your a huge freakin beast. your bi's are huge. i like the preacher curl shot a lot. very inspirational pics man. great job!
Lookin' nice and large bro
Haha sorry bro my badOriginally Posted by Retabolil2
But i still dont think anyone would belive thats 450lbs on the bar![]()
yeah that preacher curl shot definitly inspired me in fact ima bout to go do some now. keep up the hard work.
You and your lifting partner are some big boys. You didn't lose much mass either from your time off. Although, 3 weeks is enough time to bring back size with what you're on and muscle memory. Your pics are always inspirational, especially seeing your earlier pics. I'm very impressed at your strength too. No wonder your arms got so big!
Hey Ret wha sup great pics!!! I would asume your russian but i can be wrong you never know. Yea man you look great keep up the hard work and hoping to see more of your pics of the house jk. Wanna swtich tris by any chance?
Tu po Ruski govorish?
Oh yes I speak russian of course. A tebya kakim vetrom v USA zaneslo? Ya v Moskve, tut po prejnemy govoryat po russkiOriginally Posted by LM1332
wow.. that is SOME mass !
You are looking great Ret!!!![]()
Good Enough Never Is....
~*~ muj aniolek ~*~
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Thanks for the compliment!Originally Posted by bmf2
incredible. good to see you posting again.
Originally Posted by symatech
what happened anyway?? You get injured?
NothingI was extremely busy with my job and building that **** house, it took lots of time and I had no chance to eat and train right
Last edited by Retabolil2; 02-01-2004 at 02:12 PM.
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