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Thread: Help me out Bodybuilding family

  1. #1

    Help me out Bodybuilding family

    Hey bros and sisters, I'm trying to get back into the game and I need advice, encouragement, etc. No flames, please, I already know I look like sh*#, but I'm coming around. My wife passed away recently from liver disease (unrelated to AAS), and I just let myself go, gained a lot of fat. Not much has meant something to me, except my three-year old daughter, whom I have gone on for. Now it's time for me to set a good example for her and get back in shape. But it's been hard. I know I look horrible, but I wanted to put my pics up (hope I do it right), maybe just for my own motivation, I don't know. Maybe someone's got a little bit of sage advice for me in this situation. I was married for almost 6 years, so you can imagine that this is hard. Thanks for taking the time if you have any advice for me, I'm so bad at diet and all, as it shows, but I want to do what's right for my daughter now. Thanks all and take care.


    p.s. Tell your loved ones how much you love them Everyday!

    282lbs (from 299lbs)
    waist: 49 (was 52)
    goal: 225 - 235lbs (providing I don't lose too much muscle)
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    First off, it takes alot of courage to post pics.Your goals are very obtainable. Post your currnet diet, workout schedule, and game plan for critique.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Sorry for your loss...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    it looks like you had some good muscle at one time...I would try to focus your negative energy into getting healthier and then when you feel like you just can't keep going...then and only then look to MAYBE doing AS

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    The OC aka Tits and Ass!!
    you could definity hit your goal...I don't think doing a cycle will do that for you however....a good diet, training, and cardio routine is what you need the most.....You definity have the potential....Stay strong and focus on what you want...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2003
    I would try getting an hour of cardio a day, no junk food at all, low fat, lots of protien and lift 2 sets for each bodypart 3 days a week. I lost 45lbs in 3 months doing this and gained some lean mass. Try to find a gym with a daycare. If you try hard and eat right you can drastically change your appearance in 6 months. You actually set a good target range as you need to drop 60+ lbs of bodyfat but may be able to attain some lean mass as it looks like you've lifted a lot in the past and still have some muscle. Good luck.

  7. #7
    Thanks everyone for your replies. My current diet follows a simple cutting plan: chicken, eggs, wheat bread (I keep cardbs low, no more than 250g per day, 400 on high carb day), and stick with healthy fats. Previously, I really didn't care what I ate, so it was usually just fast food type stuff. Now I'm sticking to a good diet of healthy proteins, carbs, and fats.

    As for training, Im now focusing on slightly higher reps than what I did before during my last mass cycle. I utilize 4 exercises per bodypart, 4 sets each, 8-12 reps, depending on the exercise. If I have the energy, some days I will do giant sets, although I am currently running 400mg of DNP per day, so energy is nill. (Note: I do not recommend the use of DNP to anyone.)

    I've done 6 cycles so far, both for mass and for cutting. My best was at 243lbs and about 15%BF. Now I'm way beyond that, although I can train extremely heavy in the gym. However, heavy training is no longer my goal. When my wife passed I was just about to start my final cutting cycle to get down to my goal. I was 265lbs at the time. Then I ballooned up to 299lbs before I gained control and Ive slowly been working on it. Once I get to my goal it will just be maintenance from there. I'm hoping to stay around 10% BF, whatever weight that may be.

    Thanks again for the responses. I hope this isn't too longwinded. Take care everyone.


  8. #8
    Thanks very much Markas for the advice. Once I drop the DNP I will get on the cardio hard. Take care bro.


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Good for you wanting to make a heart felt sorrow for your loss bro.

    Keep those pictures of yourself posted up where you'll see tham everyday......use them to keep you focused on your goals. Based on the fact that you do something concerning weightlifting I'll hit a few suggestions.

    Cardio for 45-60 minutes 5 days a week first thing in the morning......drop the weightlifting if you can't do it after cardio and do it in the afternoon if you have the time. Don't forget to get a post workout shake in you after your workout. Couple scoops of protein, 1/2 oatmeal and dextrose. Next meal should be within an hour and half after the shake and make it protein (eggs and chicken).

    Break your meals up into five or six but keep the portions within reason and if you're eating carbs make them complex, sweet potatoe and such.

    Drop the bread and anything with sugar....pretty much anything with processed flour just stay away from.

    Make sure your water intake is up to snuff...1-2 gals per day. And no eatting three hours before bed.

    Just a few tweak them to fit your needs.


  10. #10
    Thanks Jugg for the suggestions, they are very good ones, and ones that I will certainly employ. Take care bro.


  11. #11
    hey all, just thought I'd put up a couple of "one month" photos. ive been doing 45 minutes of cardio on the bike everyday and im now switching to higher reps. my diet has been going well. i hope to continue my progress, albeit slow. take care.

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	DSCN0516 copy.jpg 
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ID:	30760   Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	30761  

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Keep up the good work man... Getting in shape is a constant progress and it takes time... Keep doing what your doing and the pounds will shed. Peace, GQ.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Dallas, Texas
    Quote Originally Posted by whiteykauai
    doing the bike for cardio is BS, you need to get on the stairs or high incline treadmill, empty stomach.
    Works alright for me
    It may not be optimal, but if it's all you have access too, you can definately burn fat on a bike.

  14. #14
    thanks geo, it feels good to be losing some weight again. i agree with you rocky, the bike seems to be alright for me. i have some pretty serious issues with one of my knees, but Im able to do the bike with little problems. take care all.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Great White North
    You can def tell a difference between these shots. Keep up the work bro, and keep those goals in sight.

    I'd also like to say I commend you for the courage to do this for yourself and daughter in the wake of whats happened. Take care of the both of you and I wish you the best.

  16. #16
    thanks RP7, i really appreciate that bro. take care.


  17. #17
    good luck man!! Keep us updated with pics........

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    man you can do just keep your mind on the goals, you can deffinatly tell you have a solid base shed those pounds by keeping up you good diet and you cardio, i got faith in you

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    North Charlotte
    get a good diet going, and into a good workout routine and where your living like you wanna look, then worry about roids bro, remember fat comes off as easy as it comes on..

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