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Thread: limited space when uploading attachments

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2002
    3rd Planet from the Sun

    limited space when uploading attachments

    I am trying to post some pics but when i try my pics are to kb's beyond the 191 kb to attach/post a pic any idea when you would increase that to say 500kb

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by DOUGTM1SS
    I am trying to post some pics but when i try my pics are to kb's beyond the 191 kb to attach/post a pic any idea when you would increase that to say 500kb

    the AR owners would gladly do that, if you paid a yearly fee to help pay for the massive demand on bandwidth, not to mention the people that would register to host pics, and hotlink them from elsewhere.

    there is no reason for your pics to be larger than 191kb.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2002
    3rd Planet from the Sun


    MY pics are about 283kb, MESSY UK should keep his opinion on his side of the pond but since I don't formally know you from jack, I'll ignor you and hope to hear from the system administrator

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