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Thread: Old username, not allowed to post

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    San Diego

    Old username, not allowed to post

    My name was BayouPumps, not really a big deal but everyone just sees my new name and when I joined and they automatically think I haven't read a thing. Like I said it isn;t a big deal though, but I guess if possible I would like to get my old login working.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2001
    why did you create a new account... I merged your accounts...
    Every man has the ability to be a fool, it is what he does to recover that shows who the fool really is.

    Those who believe that they are exclusively in the right are generally those who achieve something.
    ~Aldous Huxley~

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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    San Diego
    so yeah bro when you merged my accounts I was unable to post again, that is why I made a new account last time and why I had to do it again this time. Not sure what is the problem with bayoupumps but the board doesn;t seem to like that name haha, thanks for trying. I will not be opposed if you would like to try to fix it again though.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2001
    well first of all did you log into the bayoupumps account? I tried it and have no problems at all...

    second what is your email address that you want on your account?

    third I will set the account after you give this information and then leave you a message here to let you know to log into the account and the password... after you do I want you to post here letting me know you are in and can post then I will merge the accounts as you can not have multi accounts...

    let me know if you have any questions...
    Every man has the ability to be a fool, it is what he does to recover that shows who the fool really is.

    Those who believe that they are exclusively in the right are generally those who achieve something.
    ~Aldous Huxley~

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  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    San Diego
    [email protected] was my email for bayoupumps, I used my yahoo for this one just because I had to use a different email.

    It is weird I can log on and look at everything but when I hit reply or new thread it says I do not have priveledges that my account has been closed or could be waiting for activation. this is close maybe not exactly though.

    Would you like me to try to post on bayoupumps right now?

    Thanks alot bro for taking the time to fix my nubness

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    San Diego
    BayouPumps, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:

    1 Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?
    2 If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.

    this is what I get when I try to post on bayoupumps

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    San Diego
    ok also on bayoupumps under the "posting rules" at the bottom of the page it says

    You may not post new threads
    You may not post replies
    You may not post attachments
    You may not edit your posts

    I imagine that is the root of all evil

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2001
    The root of your problem is that you needed to activate your account from the email addy above... I did this for you now so it should work... it may have been filtered into your spam mail... if you didnt see it in your email account....

    yes check your account.... and also let me know what email addy you are able to check and would like to have on your account....
    Every man has the ability to be a fool, it is what he does to recover that shows who the fool really is.

    Those who believe that they are exclusively in the right are generally those who achieve something.
    ~Aldous Huxley~

    Completely Cleanse Your Body of Steroids in Only 5 Days! -

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  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    San Diego
    aighty seems to be fine, sry bro I made this account a long time ago as almost every question I ever had I was able to search and find an answer it is possible that I just never activated it. Take it easy man and thanks for the time put in for me.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    San Diego

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