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Thread: Thread subsrciptions [NOT A BUG]

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2003

    Thread subsrciptions

    Jason. I know this week has been a bitch for you with this site. A lot of complaints and you are very patient with us but: My mail box is still filling up with replies from threads I have not started. I try to clear them in the CP but when I get there, it says I am not subscribed to any threads. I cant clear them until someone replies under neath my reply. Then they show up. I use the quick reply and all that. Is this something you are aware of and are fixing or, am I GREAT for bringing it to your attention???? The later one I am thinking

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by bermich
    Jason. I know this week has been a bitch for you with this site. A lot of complaints and you are very patient with us but: My mail box is still filling up with replies from threads I have not started. I try to clear them in the CP but when I get there, it says I am not subscribed to any threads. I cant clear them until someone replies under neath my reply. Then they show up. I use the quick reply and all that. Is this something you are aware of and are fixing or, am I GREAT for bringing it to your attention???? The later one I am thinking

    Go to UserCp -> Options -> Messaging & Notification -> Use 'Email Notification' by default? -> Uncheck the Box

    Now go back to your UserCP and look at the bottom right hand side change 'Show Threads From' change it to The Beginning and all of your currently subscribed threads will show up. At that point you can unsubscribe from previously subscribed threads.

    That should do the trick.

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