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I would have to agree with columbus on this matter. Not all of us are "newbs" to the bb'ing arena. We has new members are treated a little different then the rest on here. I searched and searched to find the best first cycle.
I came up with a Deca cycle, then brought it to the boards to get more feedback, Some of the answers were very vague, such as " where's the test" or " That's a horrible first cycle". Since then i have read and read and then read some more...only to find that the issue of a first cycle is really based on training experience, diet, and age.. As stated above, all the replies i recieved were of no use, noone explained why it was a bad cycle, or why there should be Test in it.
I got the RESEARCH RESEARCH RESEARCH line,that is getting a bit old i might add, Well i made mention that i got that info from the AR steroid profiles, only to get" that is outdated"!! That is no help whatsoever... Most of you guys have done it and know what is the best first cycle.. I am listening believe me... But the conflicting results can and are confusing for the new guy.
I am in no way saying that i have not recieved good advice or that my questions were not answered, I just think that some here have come impatient with those that are new here.. I have seen alot of posts saying, that they are tired of asnwering the same questions. Well, then don't reply to that post. Simple as that. But they will post and not answer. It is everywhere. But who the hell am i, I am just a newb. But i have 2 cents and i just spent em.