so i am in medical school, currently living in dorms which are searched every now and then, so i can't use any injectables. plus the random drug tests mean i have to stick w/ something w/ a short half life...
i *was* a long distance runner/soccer player so my metabolism is extremely high and i have a slender frame. currently i am 6' 155, w/ 5% body fat. I want to put on another 10-15 pounds of solid lean muscle.
i've chosen dbol (10mg blue). my cycle is slated for roughly 4 weeks, taking 20mg a day. then in the last week start the tamoxifen product (most likely nolvidex). i've read numerous places that dbol works best stacked w/ another substance, but i haven't found much information (aside from the stuff i don't want to hear.. i.e. very tough to keep the gains) on taking dbol by itself.. if supplemented w/ proper nutrition (i.e. 170+ grams protein a day, etc) is it really that tough to keep the gains? i'm not looking to get huge, just aesthetically balanced, symmetrical,and more fit.