Hey all. I've been reading up on this forum for a while, and decided to sign up. Currently, I'm 100% natural, approx 215 lbs @ 14%BF (after bulking for a little).... 19" arms, 32" waist, etc, etc. Just finished the cutting cycle for my first natural competition this summer, and am looking to bulk again starting now. I'm hoping to hit 240+ over the winter months (i hit about 235 last winter during bulking). I've been debating whether or not to go the "unnatural" route, and am looking for some good advice. My goal is to be in the 220's or low 230's and stay there, not necessarily in competition shape, but around 10% bf. Is this attainable naturally? I've been working hard for the past 6 years (i just turned 22 now) and I must say, i'm getting pretty aggrivated at the slow, and sometimes unnoticable gains I've been getting recently. Any and all advice is much appreciated. If there's anything I left out, just let me know.... I'm hoping to have pics up sometime soon - as soon as I get a digital camera! Until then, text will have to work.