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Thread: Where can I find a doctor?

  1. #1

    Question Where can I find a doctor?

    I am a newbie also. I have a legit perscription for HCG because I am apparently not producing testosterone on my own. While waiting for the doctor to raise my testoterone levels above 106 I got on the Internet to look for some help to fix the problem. Only place I found was body building sites and so I ordered a mix of Androstenedione/diol and Nor-androstenedione/diol. It actually helped. The doctor wants me to stop taking it because he knows nothing about it. Yet he perscribed DHEA. Can anyone tell me where to find a doctor near LA who does know about this stuff. I would like to switch the DHEA for my old mix because it works. I may want to forget the doctor and try the treatment on my own. Can anybody give me some info to help?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    North Charlotte
    yellow pages... sup and welcome

  3. #3
    Pro-hormones like antrostenediol and DHEA bypass testosterone production in the testicles (some is converted in the testes, a lot in the liver). Your testosterone levels would go up, but your testicles would be producing less testosterone. If you want to rehab your family jewels, pro-hormones AREN'T the way to do it.
    Some Clomid (if you know where to get any) may help as it mimics Lutenizing Hormone (which stimulates your testicles to produce testosterone). Valium can trigger the GABA receptors on the leydig cells in your testicles in a manner that mimics the effect of LH, so Valium may help. Some people sware by tribulus for recovering testosterone levels, but I haven't seen any reasearch to show it actually helps (just studies that suggest it will). If you get tribulus, make sure it's standardized for steroidal saponins (3x500mg standardized for 40%).
    At the end of the day, recovering your natural testosterone levels is something you want a doctor to supervise. It was right of your doctor to take you off of the pro-hormones, but obviously he didn't know why.
    Incidentaly, nor-andros are converted to nandrolone (nor-testosterone) not testosterone. It won't put hair on your chest, and also mimics the effect of progesterone (which down regulares LH production and FSH production - that's why progesterone is in the contraceptive pill).

    I'm happy to vet any suggestions you may have, but I have a caveat: It's likely I'll be able to spot something that would set your progress back, but I can't really give you any sure-fire advice on how to get your natural test production back up. I may be in the field of biology, but I'm not a doctor.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    North Jersey
    welcome to the site, i am the official greeter. for help or any questions feel free to pm me and i can direct you to the thread....

  5. #5

    Thanks for the help

    Thank you for the help gymjunkie. I have more questions that I can type. THe doctor gave me some HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) and I was told I would be getting Leutinizing Hormone. Is that what HCG is? Would I be much better off getting the Clomid?

  6. #6
    HCG for starters is a peptide hormone. Clomid is a estrogen-like compound.
    HCG is supposed to be good for getting your balls working again after a cycle (when they are shrunk). I've heard that Clomid is supposed to be good as a follow up to HCG, but I haven't seen studies to this effect.

    Clomid's mechanism of action, is primarily to bind to and de-activate estrogen receptors. Subsequently, estrogen can not bind to the pituitary and down-regulate FSH and LH production. The increased LH and FSH levels stimulate testosterone and sperm production in the testes.

    Depending on what country you are in, official documentation on the action of Clomid varies. Some will state that clomid mimics LH, while others state that it just protects the pituitary from estrogen, others again suggest that Clomid stimulates the pituitary to release FSH and LH.

    In any case, I'd wait until after your course of HCG before trying clomid. If you have gone a complete course of HCG with both testosterone levels depressed and testicles shrunk, stick on the HCG. If your testicles are at a healthy size, and your testosterone is still low, you may wish to switch to Clomid.

    You may have to go behind your Doctors back to get the Clomid (taking your health into your own hands). 10mg of Clomid a day for around 25days is probably a recommendable dose. If prices are the same as they were back in the mid-90's, you are looking at about $250 US.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Puerto Rico
    Keep the questions to the steroid forum, welcome and enjoy!

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