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Thread: New guy "Question"

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Baghdad, Iraq

    New guy "Question"

    Hey all,

    I'm really getting pumped up about gaining, but I tend to want to gain one day and eat tons and then the next I'm good for nothing. Currently I am in Baghdad, Iraq. So some days when we go raiding houses all day I just don't have the energy to work out. I'm fairly small 150 lbs at 20 yrs of age. I'm sure all of you are like whoa your small. I am fairly cut though. I lift good weight and I think my body overall looks good. I need some advice. Is there any countermeasures to feeling like Sh*t. Does anyone do something to motivate themselves. I think it's a mind thing for me and some times I'm like screw it I'm going. I need to pump it out though. What motivates you guys? I eat a good 3 meals a day and I have a month in Iraq. Of course like anyone else when I go home I want to impress the ladies and also feel good about myself. In this month I have left. If I jump the meals up from 3 to 6 and take protein shakes in between and creatine before and after workouts....with a high metabolism I should still make good gains if I'm cracking down at the gym....right? Should I do legs twice a week? I heard it helps you gain more! What should I do!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Leviticus
    Hey all,

    I'm really getting pumped up about gaining, but I tend to want to gain one day and eat tons and then the next I'm good for nothing. Currently I am in Baghdad, Iraq. So some days when we go raiding houses all day I just don't have the energy to work out. I'm fairly small 150 lbs at 20 yrs of age. I'm sure all of you are like whoa your small. I am fairly cut though. I lift good weight and I think my body overall looks good. I need some advice. Is there any countermeasures to feeling like Sh*t. Does anyone do something to motivate themselves. I think it's a mind thing for me and some times I'm like screw it I'm going. I need to pump it out though. What motivates you guys? I eat a good 3 meals a day and I have a month in Iraq. Of course like anyone else when I go home I want to impress the ladies and also feel good about myself. In this month I have left. If I jump the meals up from 3 to 6 and take protein shakes in between and creatine before and after workouts....with a high metabolism I should still make good gains if I'm cracking down at the gym....right? Should I do legs twice a week? I heard it helps you gain more! What should I do!

    Eat Eat Eat.. and work out bro.. Train hard!!!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Atlanta, GA
    Quote Originally Posted by Leviticus
    Hey all,

    I'm really getting pumped up about gaining, but I tend to want to gain one day and eat tons and then the next I'm good for nothing. Currently I am in Baghdad, Iraq. So some days when we go raiding houses all day I just don't have the energy to work out. I'm fairly small 150 lbs at 20 yrs of age. I'm sure all of you are like whoa your small. I am fairly cut though. I lift good weight and I think my body overall looks good. I need some advice. Is there any countermeasures to feeling like Sh*t. Does anyone do something to motivate themselves. I think it's a mind thing for me and some times I'm like screw it I'm going. I need to pump it out though. What motivates you guys? I eat a good 3 meals a day and I have a month in Iraq. Of course like anyone else when I go home I want to impress the ladies and also feel good about myself. In this month I have left. If I jump the meals up from 3 to 6 and take protein shakes in between and creatine before and after workouts....with a high metabolism I should still make good gains if I'm cracking down at the gym....right? Should I do legs twice a week? I heard it helps you gain more! What should I do!
    First of all, welcome to the AR. Lot's of useful info on here. The motivation question isn't really one someone else can answer for you. What motivates you? Why do you want to gain? Do you want to look hot for girls? Just be intimidating? Healthier? Or a combination of all of the above plus others?

    I can say this, on days when I don't feel like working out I just tell myself, "no, get up and go" and everytime, without fail I walk away from the gym feeling refreshed and glad that I went. Endorphenes (sp?) I suppose.

    You're right about the leg thing, working large muscles groups like the legs does cause an increased release of test, but I wouldn't suggest working them more than once a week, at least on most weeks. Remember that it can take 2-7 days for a muscle to totally recoup from a workout.

    Anyway bro, that's my .02, hope it helps.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Baghdad, Iraq
    Thanks a bunch for your input.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    in some pu$$y
    sometimes when motivation is a problem for me i take a little caffine pill and go to the gym becasue i know it is going to kick in and i am going to want to work out when i get there.
    ps. eat,eat,eat

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Motivation, for me, comes when I think of all the wrong $hit I've had done to me. I am a negativley motivated person which is good, I think. I get pissed when people say I can't do something, so I do just to show them up. You motivation is your motivation. Find it, harness it and use it to your fullest ability. Oh yeah, don't forget to eat, eat, eat! Welcome to AR bro, I hope you enjoy the site as much as everyone else.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    North Jersey
    welcome to the site, i am the official greeter. for help or any questions feel free to pm me and i can direct you to the thread....

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Location, uk
    hi m8, i get my motivation from the fact that i was bullied when i was in school!!! but i now know that i wont take no s-hit from nobody.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Puerto Rico
    Keep the questions to the steroid forum, welcome and enjoy!

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