Hell with that place man! What a SH%$ hole,
I too was deployed in IRAQ.
I was there for the initial insurgency, late feb 2003 till Aug 2003. my unit piggy backed with the 101 north and we settled "Bilad" or better know as "Camp Anaconda"
I was injured and medevaced back to the states and in Physical therapy for a year at Ft. Campbell. My back is still screwed, but if you want a decent cycle and diet info you can check out my post here below.
Although if you have never juiced before I don't really recommend the test, but definately stanzonol and Primoject / Primobol will get you nice and lean and you'll pass your tape test. But only if you work at it bro.. And you know what I mean, I was an MFT(I) (Master Fitness Trainer / Instructor) for the Army so you know I can guide you and give you a "fatboy plan" as we called it. Just jokin with ya, but seriously hit me up and we'll see what we can do.
Kinda curious, how did you possibly gain weight over there? Are you Airforce? No offense? LOL
Stacker (raised to the 3rd power)
"Those who follow the crowd will never be followed by a crowd"
- John Maxwell