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Thread: New to the board and just back from iraq

  1. #1

    New to the board and just back from iraq

    I just got back from Iraq and realized after my body went to shit out there its time to get back in the game. I need some advice on what I can do to lean up ( a lot) and get my muscles back. I used to workout a lot in college and did a cycle and since i joined the army i have lost my muscle mass, gained beer mass, and got a lil thicker than wanted....After being in iraq and not being to maintain a healthy body, I am looking to get my muscle hardness back, trim up , and get a LITTLE bit of size.. Im 6'4 , 250 pounds. I definately have fat that i need to burn off, but am very limited with my cardio due to breathing problems that stemmed from being over there. Any advice on products, exercises , or anything would be appreciated...feel free to pm me to if you want.. THanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Welcome aboard and thank you for serving our country! Search the forums and you will find the answers to any questions you might have.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    i know what you mean, hard as $hit to keep a good diet going out here. this is the place for answers bro. welcome aboard

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2003

  5. #5
    does anyone have any recommendatiosn to start up with ? I need to lose like 20 pounds in a month, and cut up a good a promotion board coming up and need to be good when im taped.Ill have pics up soon as soon as i get my camera up here..also if someone can help me with hosting them i would appreciate it.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    england/north east
    welcome to AR bro

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    the road to greatness
    welcome and thank-you for your service bro

  8. #8
    Do they let you train at all while you're on active duty?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Northwest US
    Welcome and thanks for fighting the thankless fight

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Welcome to the site. Just post your questions in the right forums and you'll get plenty of info.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Canada & Europe
    Welcome !!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Planet Earth
    • Welcome home brotha •

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    7COCU7, you can train on active duty, it's encouraged, but most can't in a combat zone unless your a base bunny, you try to get 4hrs of sleep a night and the work isn't office work... Welcome home vinyl, i came home in sept, what's your MOS?

  14. #14
    Join Date
    May 2005
    welcome home bro and thanks for your service to the U.S. you guys rock,all the best to ya and this is the board to be on (it rocks)


  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    uk/ south east

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by fullspeed
    7COCU7, you can train on active duty, it's encouraged, but most can't in a combat zone unless your a base bunny, you try to get 4hrs of sleep a night and the work isn't office work... Welcome home vinyl, i came home in sept, what's your MOS?

    Im a 88m ,, truck driver...we "could" train while we were in iraq, and did so as much as possible, but with 1-2 hours of sleep a day, lack of food, and the other factors, it was extremely hard to come out with any that were back we do PT every morning, but i have respitory problems from being over there , as well as knee surgery coming up at the end of the month

    Now, as far as fat burners or anything that would assist with losing weight and being limited to cardio, i know winstrol is harder to get ahold of , but something like T3 or Clen is that something that u can get offline or does it fall in the category of winstrol and other anabolics....If that question cant be asked , i apologize, im just trying to figure out what i need to help me out

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    no mans land
    hey thanx for serving our great country

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    welcome bro...

  19. #19
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Welcome and once again thanks for serving our country

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    On the Gulf Coast
    welcome Bro

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Mar 2005

    Glad you make it home soldier!

    Hell with that place man! What a SH%$ hole,

    I too was deployed in IRAQ.
    I was there for the initial insurgency, late feb 2003 till Aug 2003. my unit piggy backed with the 101 north and we settled "Bilad" or better know as "Camp Anaconda"

    I was injured and medevaced back to the states and in Physical therapy for a year at Ft. Campbell. My back is still screwed, but if you want a decent cycle and diet info you can check out my post here below.

    Although if you have never juiced before I don't really recommend the test, but definately stanzonol and Primoject / Primobol will get you nice and lean and you'll pass your tape test. But only if you work at it bro.. And you know what I mean, I was an MFT(I) (Master Fitness Trainer / Instructor) for the Army so you know I can guide you and give you a "fatboy plan" as we called it. Just jokin with ya, but seriously hit me up and we'll see what we can do.

    Kinda curious, how did you possibly gain weight over there? Are you Airforce? No offense? LOL


    Stacker (raised to the 3rd power)

    "Those who follow the crowd will never be followed by a crowd"
    - John Maxwell

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Cedar Rapids,IA
    Hey man I am in the sandbox right now so I know exactly what you went through. Start doing cardio even if its every other day for about an hour along with your normal squad/section pt. Don't start off to strong or you will get burnt out just let your body adjust to getting back into the gym. Good luck with your board!

  23. #23
    Hey man thanks for the far as anaconda that was what we pretty much called home, our motorpool was in Tallil, but we did 90 percent of our missions to anaconda, the rest to najaf and fallujah...some to tikrit..i came back as well medevac'd cause i had lasik surgery before i deployed and my eyes got damaged due to one too many ied blasts, my night vision is pretty much shot now. as far as any work out plans or anything , im very open to suggestions...The only thing is though as stated early is, i cant do a lot of cardio cause of respitory problems i obtained while i was over there, and im having knee surgery at the end of this month....and i didnt necessarily gain weight over there,i just lost a lot of muscle mass and obtained a lot of water... i have slow metabolism as it is, now with my breathing problems and my knee, its hard to just naturally burn off fat....i have a very strict diet, and do what i can to work out,....just out there we ran convoys 20 + hours a day , and without the right diet or sleep, my body just went to shit.
    Quote Originally Posted by Stacker3
    Hell with that place man! What a SH%$ hole,

    I too was deployed in IRAQ.
    I was there for the initial insurgency, late feb 2003 till Aug 2003. my unit piggy backed with the 101 north and we settled "Bilad" or better know as "Camp Anaconda"

    I was injured and medevaced back to the states and in Physical therapy for a year at Ft. Campbell. My back is still screwed, but if you want a decent cycle and diet info you can check out my post here below.

    Although if you have never juiced before I don't really recommend the test, but definately stanzonol and Primoject / Primobol will get you nice and lean and you'll pass your tape test. But only if you work at it bro.. And you know what I mean, I was an MFT(I) (Master Fitness Trainer / Instructor) for the Army so you know I can guide you and give you a "fatboy plan" as we called it. Just jokin with ya, but seriously hit me up and we'll see what we can do.

    Kinda curious, how did you possibly gain weight over there? Are you Airforce? No offense? LOL


    Stacker (raised to the 3rd power)

    "Those who follow the crowd will never be followed by a crowd"
    - John Maxwell

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Feb 2004

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Thanks for serving bud! I did 8 active and training was very challenging when deployed every other dam month. I tried to make friends with guys who had extra storage space on hmmv's and get them to lug out dumbells for me, the rest of the shit we'd make or "borrow" from the seabees. Cutting weight is just that- Do your cardio, watch your intake and if you can..take a little help. I used to do a lot of swimming in the ocean, I felt like it didn't eat up too much muscle and it really shaved the weight off. Good luck with your board!

  26. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by gymnutt
    Thanks for serving bud! I did 8 active and training was very challenging when deployed every other dam month. I tried to make friends with guys who had extra storage space on hmmv's and get them to lug out dumbells for me, the rest of the shit we'd make or "borrow" from the seabees. Cutting weight is just that- Do your cardio, watch your intake and if you can..take a little help. I used to do a lot of swimming in the ocean, I felt like it didn't eat up too much muscle and it really shaved the weight off. Good luck with your board!

    its the lil help thats the problem though!! lol...i need to get it

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    I'm pretty new here, but from what I've seen there's plenty of info here on the boards-I don't know where you're stationed, but, if you are down south close to the border there's very little you can't find in Mexico. If you're elsewhere I would encourage searching the boards, I've used the search feature and have found it very helpful. Maybe search "clen/sten/whatever" + "geographic area". With this said I would be very careful, some commanders are pretty lax and spend there time hanging and leveling picture frames in their offices, some however like to micromanage and can get a real hard-on for you if they see a quick change in body composition. Peace and good luck.

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Straight outta porkchop platoon huh? lol I was in Afghanistan 3 years ago...not pretty. At least you got 3 hots and a cotton, we didnt, MRE's 3 times a day and sleeping bags!!! As far as you gut goes, well nothing will shedd fat without PT, but an ECA stack or clen/t3 will help and is legal.

  29. #29
    haha 3 hots ????? We were lucky to eat once a day my friend. If we got real hungry we climbed out the trucks to the belly box to get an mre as we were going 60 mph through iraq somewhere...And sleeping bag...ya thats what we had to. spent the majority of the time out there sleeping under or on our trailers. Thx for the response though people, now i might be able to start getting somewhere. I have my knee surgery tomorrow so im gona be out of it for a couple days.

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Hope you have a speedy recovery from surgery, and welcome to AR, bro.

  31. #31
    well i had my knee surgery...went in to remove a cyst and found out i had a torn acl. . . .. in the recovery stage now, cept they only gave me 5mg percocets ! can eat em all damn day and they dont do a thing for me ..gotta love the military docs

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