good day to all! First off i would like to say thanks! i have been visiting this site for a couple years now and have gotten loads of good info from everyone just by reading other ppls posts. Finally making my own mark i am! I have been in the gym for about 3 years. When i started out i weighed 160 at 6' tall, now i weigh 195 at 6' 1" Im a hard gainer, but i've been dedicated and intake 4000 plus calories a day. Been toying with the idea jumping on some gear for a while, but i kept putting it off because i didn't think i was ready... Until last weekI have deca QV 300 10ml and super test-250 10ml. From my readings, i know i need to dose the test eod, and the deca about every 4 days. I have drawn up a few cycles but i'm just a little uncomfortable since its my first time. Basically this is a shout out to any members who may be able to help me work out the most effective stack for my gear. if i need more thats not a problem. Once again hello to all and thanks for all the help.