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Thread: New to the site. Need some help.

  1. #1

    New to the site. Need some help.

    Hi all, I'm D. I'm 5'11 1/2" 165lbs. I'm a college football player. I've done 1 cycle of Depo-Test E 300. I was taking 2 cc's a week. Is this right? I noticed decent gains, but nothing great. I probably gained a few pounds, and about 10lbs or so on upper body excersises. Lower body(squats) Did gain pretty nice. I'm at about 450 max now... Bench is about 245.

    Right arm 16"
    Left Arm 15 3/4"
    I'm decently proud of my arms being 165lbs on a good day, and having 16" arms...

    Now, I'm looking to gain about 5-10 lbs before camp starts pu mid August... I've got another vial of the Depo-Test, and was gonna take it again. I just need to know how much to take. My friend advised me 2cc the first cycle, since it was my first... I hear of people gaining alot on the first cycle, just curious why i didn't...

    I wanna gain a little mass, and stay as cut as I am, maybe a bit more, but I DON'T wanna lose speed... I'm a cornerback, and run a 4.5 My legs have always been my weak spot... I've had chicken legs almost my whole life... Still been fast, and can dunk but pretty skinny legs. I wanna get bigger and faster. Please help.

    I've included a couple pics. Lemme know what ya think, and what I should take, and what would be a good workout(s) for football. I like to do alot of squats, leg curls, calf raises and leg extensions to try and build up my legs for more explosiveness... Thanks alot!!!

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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  2. #2
    Oops, didn't reaize I couldn't post questions... SORRY! please edit my post if you need to, and take out the question, or just delete... Sorry!!


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    New England
    Quote Originally Posted by Dpfootball38
    Oops, didn't reaize I couldn't post questions... SORRY! please edit my post if you need to, and take out the question, or just delete... Sorry!!

    cant post questions? what type of questions are we talking about here? i just asked you a question as far as gaining 5-10 weight can fluctuate that much in 2 days naturally im sure you can do it just learn how to eat and train properly...and dont tell us you "Cant gain weight" anyone can gain weight stay away from anabolics

    do you know what a post cycle therapy consists of? just curious of what compounds you ran after your test cycle to restore natural testosterone production

  4. #4
    I read in the forum that in the "New Male Introduction" That you're not supposed to ask questions about cycles, yet more introduce yourself.

    Yes, I understand body weight can swing 5-10 lbs... I mean on an average I would like to be about 175, as long as my speed can stay up.

    Honestly, as for PCT, I reall just stayed on my same routine of TONS of water a day, protien shakes, and now I've started on Some Creatine/N.O. Xplode.

    Thanks for the help... I'm sure you all get tired of the same old questions... I'm pretty new to cycles and such, just really have picked up certain things from teammates, friends, etc. Just trying to make sure I'm not wasting my time/money, or endagering my body...

    Thanks again,

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    New England
    Quote Originally Posted by Dpfootball38
    I read in the forum that in the "New Male Introduction" That you're not supposed to ask questions about cycles, yet more introduce yourself.

    Yes, I understand body weight can swing 5-10 lbs... I mean on an average I would like to be about 175, as long as my speed can stay up.

    Honestly, as for PCT, I reall just stayed on my same routine of TONS of water a day, protien shakes, and now I've started on Some Creatine/N.O. Xplode.

    Thanks for the help... I'm sure you all get tired of the same old questions... I'm pretty new to cycles and such, just really have picked up certain things from teammates, friends, etc. Just trying to make sure I'm not wasting my time/money, or endagering my body...

    Thanks again,
    ur right rops on readin the rules

  6. #6

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Dpfootball38
    Oops, didn't reaize I couldn't post questions... SORRY! please edit my post if you need to, and take out the question, or just delete... Sorry!!

    Not that big of a deal dude. Post your questions in the 'Steroid Questions' forum for more responses. Welcome to AR and good luck.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Training my ninja Degu
    Welcome to AR!

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