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Thread: New and time for change

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    US, Wisconsin

    New and time for change

    Hey everyone, I'd just like to introduce myself here and see what you guys think about how I'm doing. Currently I'm 19 and 5' 10''. Well, a few months ago after a long time of lifting I finally developed some muscle on my body, I weighed 130lbs..yeah..I looked like a rib cage and that was about it. But with that 130lbs, I finally develped the thin layer of muscles in all the right spots, and then I was able to turn it into gear and try and make them larger and gain weight..Well I started eating 4 meals a day, get alot of protein intake, and train very hard. Within the last month and a half I took my weight all the way up to 143lbs, it goes up more thoughout the day with water intake..but I dont count that. Anyways, I have finally started to get a good solid foundation, and now soon within the next few months I'm hoping to finally meet my goals and have a solid foundation good looking body. Then from their I can work to get a little bigger better look. NOTE: I have never used any type of steroid during any of this. Anyways, I ahve been noticing a difference in my appearence and so have alot of people, so I think i'm on the right track.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    New England
    Quote Originally Posted by SwiftMove83
    Hey everyone, I'd just like to introduce myself here and see what you guys think about how I'm doing. Currently I'm 19 and 5' 10''. Well, a few months ago after a long time of lifting I finally developed some muscle on my body, I weighed 130lbs..yeah..I looked like a rib cage and that was about it. But with that 130lbs, I finally develped the thin layer of muscles in all the right spots, and then I was able to turn it into gear and try and make them larger and gain weight..Well I started eating 4 meals a day, get alot of protein intake, and train very hard. Within the last month and a half I took my weight all the way up to 143lbs, it goes up more thoughout the day with water intake..but I dont count that. Anyways, I have finally started to get a good solid foundation, and now soon within the next few months I'm hoping to finally meet my goals and have a solid foundation good looking body. Then from their I can work to get a little bigger better look. NOTE: I have never used any type of steroid during any of this. Anyways, I ahve been noticing a difference in my appearence and so have alot of people, so I think i'm on the right track.
    PROPS and no offense..i hope to god you didnt use a steroid during that time...i started at the same weight and im up to 190ish now...just eat like a freak..i swear my friends thought i was the biggest idiot the way i ate dont worry about fat...cut that out once you start bulkin up get in as many cals as possible eat full sticks of butter til you pop just leave the butter sticks out

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    great white north
    Welcome, and it sounds like you are on your way. Good luck to you in your future goals and keep up the good work.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by SwiftMove83
    Within the last month and a half I took my weight all the way up to 143lbs,
    i think its the next 3 months that will really test you and your work.. the first few months are quite often 15 pound gains, even just in the first month 15 pounds is almost normal i would say from expirences myself and others.. i think you should battle on for another half a year.. and thats where the greater test starts, just hit the platue and pass it over time is what u need now imo.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Good luck bro and Welcome!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Training my ninja Degu
    Welcome to AR!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    901 N 2nd St Philadelphia
    Awesome progress bro!

    From one former skinny motha fugga to another, stick with it!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Sounds like you ARE on the right track dude. Keep up the great work and welcome to the board.

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