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Thread: What's up AR

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    San Diego

    What's up AR

    I'm 27, 185 pounds with a body fat % of between 8% -10%. I've been lifting on and off since 1998. I'm currently on my 4th cycle and am fianlly venturing away from the Deca, test, winnie only cycles. This cycle I'm adding the dbol and the tren. I lived in Sydney Australia for the past year and had no connections to any source, so I was clean for the past year. Now that I am back in Cali that has changed.

    Been reading for AR for a few years and the knowledge that has come my way has been awesome. Currently on my fourth cycle which has and will consist of:

    Deca 300: weeks 1-12
    Stanzonol 50: weeks 1-6, 12-16
    Clenbuteral: weeks 1-6, post cycle therapy
    Cytomel: weeks 1-6, post cycle
    Dbol: 4-9
    Sustonon 250: weeks 6-16
    Trenbolon: weeks 9-14
    proverin: on standby for when I need it
    Nolvadex: Mid cycle and post cycle therapy
    Clomid: Mid and post cycle
    HCG: Mid and post cycle

    Hopefully I'll be able to add to this MB now after studying up from you guys. You bro's are due a little payback for all the things you have taught me.

    Thanks, and happy lifting.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Welcome to AR...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Training my ninja Degu
    Welcome to AR! Why do you start Clomid and HCG mid cycle? Your cycle looks too long imo. I'd break it up into two cycles. Maybe bridge the two if you are adament on running them back to back.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    San Diego

    Interesting you think my cycle is two long. Most people tell me I could and should go another two months, rather than just going 4. I thought I had it broken and mixed up pretty well.

    The first 4 weeks are designed to kick start my metabolism with the Clen, T3, deca and winnie all working to reduce body fat and start building lean muscle.

    Week 5 I add the Dbol to start the bulking phase. After week 6 I drop the clen, T3 and winnie and add the test. So week 6 I'm on nothing but the sus 250, deca and dbol.

    Come week 9 I drop the dbol and start with the Tren A. So weeks 9-12 I'm on Deca, sus 250 and Tren A. After week 12 I drop the deca and add the winnie again. So I am now carrying on with the Winnie, Tren and Sus 250 untill week 14, where I drop the Tren. So week 14 through week 16 I'm wrapping up the cycle on just Sus 250 and winnie. After week 16 I'm no longer injecting anything, I just do 6 weeks of clen and T3 and do the proper post cycle therapy with the nolvadex, proverin, HCG, and or clomid.

    As for the clomid mid cycle. That's actually a misprint. I always have these drugs on hand. Makes me feel better. I will either take two weeks of nolvadex or clomid mid cycle, not both. I will, however, do the HCG mid cycle for two weeks. I see nothing wrong with stimulating my testicular axis and getting my boys pumping on their own for awhile mid cycle. I've done alot of reading in books and on the web that recommend this. Some even experience their best gains while adding HCG for two weeks mid cycle. This is just my personal preference but am always open to different opiniuons and suggetions.

    Thanks for the reply and your thoughts.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    In a bowl of rice
    Wow! That's quite a cycle! I'm an AR newbie myself, but just researching AAS at this point. I'd be very interested in knowing what AAS you used during your previous cycles. Any suggestions for a lean bulking cycle?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    San Diego
    If you want a lean bulking cycle I hear the best is Test, Tren, Winstrol, & Masteron. Combine that with 6 weeks of Clenbuterol and Cytomel in the beginning and end and you'll be a cut up beast.

    My first cycle was just Sus 250 for 16 weeks and oral winstrol for 10 weeks broken up into two sets of five. When I began that cycle I weighed 160 pounds and at the end I weighed a little over 190. I dropped a little over 7 pounds of that and have kept the rest as a nice base.

    My second cycle was the same thing but I added clenbuteral.

    Third cycle I added Deca and this current cycle I am adding the trenbolone, dbol and the cytomel. From what I've read the only way I could make it a better cutting cycle is if I added masteron and probably dropped the dbol. If the Dbol causes noticable water retention I have the nolvadex and the proverin on hand. Along with clomid and HCG for good measure.

    These will probably be the hardest goods I ever try.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Not here. Not there.
    Welcome to AR.

    **When you are not training, someone else is.
    When you compete against them, they will win.**

    It is never too late to be what you might have been.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    The 50 States

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Welcome to AR!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    In a bowl of rice
    Thanks for the info and welcome to AR from another AR newbie!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Welcome to the board.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    some where in the USA
    Welcome to AR

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    welcome dude

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