I have recently hit a wall and cannot seem to get pass it using just creatine and whey protein. I have been working out five days a week since high school consistently for 3 years now. I try to work out 6 times considering my workouts but that usually doesnt happen due to the fact it's Saturday.
21 years old
6' tall
192 lbs
~13% bf
Bench: 275 X4
Squat: 365 X2
Deadlift: 385X1
This is my first time ever even considering taking steriods. All that I know about them is what I've read on here and other sites the last week. I do need to worry about piss tests due to my work so I cant take Deca which stays in my system for over a year. I only get tested once a year though and I was tested a month ago. From what I've read I think a 12 week cycle of TestE @ 400 mg/wk stacked with EQ seems like the best fit. From here I have no idea where to go. I dont know where to go from here or what dose to use for EQ. I have no idea if I need to worry about a PTC or what to do if I need one. I have unlimited clean food and I only drink water. Also I want to know if I need to change my workout to maxamize the bang for my buck. Also is there any pros or cons going injections 1 time a week vs 2 a week?
Sorry I don't know the name of every workout
Bench 4X10
Decline Bar 4X10 super set w/ Decline Dumbell 4X10
Incline Bar 4X10 super set w/ Incline Dumbell 4X10
Skull crushers 4X10 super set w/ pull downs 4X10
Tricep kick outs 4X10 super set w/ over head tri press 4X10
Back Bi
Lat pull 4X10
Rows 4X10
Bent over rows 4X10
Straight bar curl 4X10
Dumbell curl 4X10 super set w/ Hammer curls 4X10
Curly bar 4X10 super set w/ Incline curls 4X10
Squats 4X10
Deadlift 4X5
Straight leg deadlift 4X10
Military press bar 4X10
Military press dumbell 4X10
Fly 4X10
Shrugs 4X10
Rows 4X10
each work out two times a week.
I realize that I will probably have to stop supersetting and dropping reps to 10,8,6,4 to get more gains in strength and size. Any help in any areas would be greatly appreciated thank you for your time and consideration.