Well, I found my way to this site while looking for info on steroids. My poor mind wasn't ready to absorb the amount of info (done lots of reading, lots more to go) I was about to unearth.
Maybe I should have used the 25 day absence from the gym and proper diet to do my reasearchUh, I foolishly went from January to the end of August without a major rest. I also work 60 - 70 hours a week. Yeah, I pushed WAYYY to hard (I was warned about over training, but I did not listen).
Luckily, I kept taking my vitamins and all other supplements (except creatine and no explode). All I need to do now is get my rear end back into the gym and get active.
DUH almost forgot.
5' 11'' 215 (down from 220, which is up from 185 1 year ago, which is down from 260 1.5 years ago)
I have quite literally changed my body shape in the course of about 1 year 8 months without "help" (well no "help" yet). I really wish I had pics. 260 to 185 in 4.5 months was DRAMATIC.