Sup yall... I'm about to take a lifelong dive into the world of bodybuilding. I've played college basketball and consider myself to have an excellent frame for body building. Though I'm sure some of you would think otherwise. Anyway I'd like to first reach my plateu before any thoughts of muscle enhancing substances are to be introduced. I haven't worked out in 3-4yrs. Even when I did it was mainly for basketball and not sculpting. So the other day I started doing push-ups.. and to my amazement I wasn't able to complete 15 push-ups and thinking back 3-4yrs ago I was able to pump off
50+ easily. This puts me (In my mind) in VERY VERY BAD SHAPE. SO to begin with I've started doing push-ups regulary everyday. I've been doing this for about 1 week now and I'm up to being able to 30+. My question is when I enter the gym in the next couple of days are there routines I should be following is there an excellent post somewhere I'm missing about acessing the best routine for me or should I just ask someone at the gym (Which I will do anyway) Any help would be greatly appreciated.. I'm kinda looking for what muscle grps should someone tall like myself begin with and also being very out of shape be a factor in my decision to choosing the right program. Thanks a bunch for any input and look forward to being a contributor to these forums as I progress.
P.S. -- Please post any websites that offer great reading for Newbies into bodybuilding and routines for beginners.