Hello everyone, and thanks for all the valuable info here that has allowed my girlfriend and i to feel comfortable to "try new things".
We have been going to the gym together for at least 18 months now and neither on of us can seem to get the body fat down to where we want to be. We do 45 minutes of cardio and around 45 min of lifting 4 times a week. My BF is around 15% and hers is around 20%. Since we are both avid beach volleyball players our goal is not only to look good(lean) but to increase stamina, strength, and explosive power that relates to our sport.
We should be recieving our order of jin on monday and are looking foward to its proposed benefits.
I have also ordered the newbee gold kit from one of the recommended suppliers which I will be starting when it arrives.(1 to 2 weeks according to them).
I would like to hear any feedback from those who read this about what to expect and advice on maximizing our benefits pertaining to athletic performance. Actually any commentary would be great since we are both total rookies at this.![]()