Hey everyone, i've already posted a few times but I figured i'd introduce myself.
I'm 24, 5'11", 205 lbs. and have been training in total for a good 8 years, since I was about 15. 2 of those years were complete shit, though, as I wasn't doing anything properly, not eating or training properly, etc. but I quickly figured out what to do and what works for me and since then i've been doing absolutely great. But I did join the military for a couple years when I was 17-19 and lost a ton of muscle mass due to the overkill on the cardio and not eating alot at all. When I discharged, I got my eating habits back up to par and thanks to muscle memory and good genetics, I regained everything I had just fine within a short time span! Since then i've gained and gained.
So over the last year and a half or so, i've done all the research I can on the use of steroids. And now i'm at that point where I want to go for my first cycle. I was thinking of going for some mild steroids like Anavar and Primobolan Depot, but since it would be my first time, I guess a cycle of just Testosterone Cypionate. Keeping it simple is pretty much the best choice when it comes to a first cycle!
Anyhow, my only problem is I need a source check, and I can't PM any mods or anything to get one. If anyone could let me know how to get a source check (or if I am even allowed to ask for one since i'm a newb), that would be great.