Hello to you all. First and foremost I want to say WOW, this forum has everything on it! It is like a dream come true! I have yet to try a cycle but am looking forward to it.
My stats; 30 years young, 6'6" 202lbs, 6.5% BF and and appetite from hell. I have trained 5 days a week for the last 3 years. I believe with my metabolism and height that it is a little harder for me to make growth "stick" to my bones. But hey,.. I am not a quitter. My goal would be to gain 12-14% my bodyweight in mass to put me right around what my normal weight should be for this height. I eat like a horse, reguarly and right. I do however enjoy a beer or two on the weekends (I know I know), but you only live once right?
I look forward to chatting with you all. Keep up the great posts and info!!