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Thread: newbie here

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2007

    newbie here

    new guy here. Im new to all of this. As for my body build i'd say im between Average and Skinny, maybe more average. Im 5'11 and 165lbs. im here to find how to use steroids properly. My plan is to build muscles to look good. I like looking good, for my self and for the ladies. I have good self confidence. One thing though is that im lazy and do not like to go to the gym. I want to get cut up and bigger. any help, words of advise, plans to achieve what im looking for is happily accepted.
    Last edited by TheSeed; 07-05-2007 at 12:25 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2007
    heya matey welcome

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    South JerseyJ
    Welcome to AR ,Bro

  4. #4
    Welcome aboard! If you want to make your goals then you will have to love the gym and look forward to every workout. And until you've reached your potential naturally through hard work and determination you shouldnt even think about steroids.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Rising from my Ashes !!
    Welcome to AR

    Your first step on the road to building muscle is to learn how to EAT TO GROW !!! With or without steroids, if you can't EAT right, then you will NOT grow !!

    At 5'11" and ONLY 165 you got lots of NATURAL growing to do before using steroids. If you can learn to do this first, then when its time for the steroids you will get ten times the benefit out of them!!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    i was your size too (a bit shorter) and naturally lean. agree you can grow first before using aas. How old are you?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    welcome mate and enjoy..u can learn alot.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    im 18, going on to my second year at college. I was on my Schools rowwing team and that put me into shape. Off season training was monday-saturday twice a day, and season training was monday-thursday twice a day and then competitions on friday and saturday. so got some good muscle from that, want to improve on it.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    and i've been reading a lot and winnie seems to be what i want. i can drink it so its a easy task

  10. #10
    Big's Avatar
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    Well I need to save my response so I can just cut and paste it every time it's appropriate, but here goes:
    At 18 your natural testosterone levels are NOT what's limiting your growth. Sman gave you the best advice you could hope for, learn to eat and to train to grow, then a few years and quite a few pounds down the road you may have the base you need to do aas.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Rising from my Ashes !!
    Quote Originally Posted by TheSeed
    and i've been reading a lot and winnie seems to be what i want. i can drink it so its a easy task

    Nope !! winnie is most certainly NOT what you want right now!!!!

    I love newbies who read one profile and think they are experts on AAS !!!

    You do NOT know how to eat
    You have NO clue what winnie does to your HPTA let alone your liver
    You have NO clue as to what PCT is or how important that is IF you use AAS
    You will most likely NOT keep any gains in which you MAY make

    This is NOT a game, this is your body....and you only get ONE to screw up!!

    There is a smart way to use steroids, and then there is the way YOU think you can get away with using them....BIG MISTAKE

    Quote Originally Posted by TheSeed
    im 18, going on to my second year at college. I was on my Schools rowwing team and that put me into shape. Off season training was monday-saturday twice a day, and season training was monday-thursday twice a day and then competitions on friday and saturday. so got some good muscle from that, want to improve on it.
    Working out for ENDURANCE sports is completely different than trying to BUILD muscle!!!! They are NOT the same

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    i definitly do not think i am an expert by no means, im on the other side of that spectrum. i do agree that i have to eat better, no more greasy foods and whatever. i do agree i have to read more, what i posted what just something i was reading throughout the forums, was no where close to ordering and taking it because i do not fully understand how it works. thanks for all your inputs. i dont want you guys to think im some stupid 18 year old looking for a quick fix. i like to do my research, which is why i joined this forum. i was looking into hitting the gym this summer and was wondering if AAS would give me a boost. any more input is greatly apprectiated

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by TheSeed
    i definitly do not think i am an expert by no means, im on the other side of that spectrum. i do agree that i have to eat better, no more greasy foods and whatever. i do agree i have to read more, what i posted what just something i was reading throughout the forums, was no where close to ordering and taking it because i do not fully understand how it works. thanks for all your inputs. i dont want you guys to think im some stupid 18 year old looking for a quick fix. i like to do my research, which is why i joined this forum. i was looking into hitting the gym this summer and was wondering if AAS would give me a boost. any more input is greatly apprectiated
    hit the gym and see how things go. Starting off training at age 18 you can grow quickly with a good diet. I wish I started training at your age!! You can build a solid frame to last a lifetime. The drugs won't do that for you - just give you a quick fix that you'll mostly lose. but you can build on that later.

    use this site to research diet, ect - and one day you can come back to the topic of aas.

    in the meantime work out and go get be 18 again!!!


  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    in bed, or at the gym

    yea go get laid and dont fvck yourself um k

    strike 1 your 18 srtike 2 your lazy strike three you dont know how to diet. if you dont lift and eat you will not grow muscle at all I dont care what you take. and being 18 and using steroids is very very very stupid. you might end up with little bitch tits and look like one of the ladies you want to look good for. your wasting your time here go eat and lift some wieght and quit being lazy. no magic pill here bud.

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