Well, I have been a member now for a few months under a different name. I had some email issues and was not able to post. Anyway, to anyone new reading this, You can find an answer to nearly ANY question if you search hard enough. After not being able to post for three months I have become extremely familiar with the search button.
So, I am 26, 5'9", 196 pounds, and between 14-15% body fat. I am currently on week seven of a twelve week test enth cycle, 500mg/ew. I kick started with anadrol @ 100mg/ed. The anadrol only lasted about two weeks, because I am not a big fan of dizziness and being extremely tired all the time. I have been training on and off for eight years with a pretty large gap from year five to seven. I had shoulder surgery, got married and my son was born. All that slowed me down quite a bit. This is my first cycle and looking forward to more.
Thats me in a nutshell, nice to meet you all!