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Thread: mr wright from uk

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    rugby town(england)

    mr wright from uk

    im 21 years 180 cm heigh.155lbs and i would like someone to help me come u with my first cycle

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Rising from my Ashes !!
    Quote Originally Posted by SMAN12b
    That attitude is going to get you NOWHERE fast on this board.

    First off, this is NOT the thread to be asking advice in. It is a whore thread and jsut here to blow off steam and have fun.

    You already started two other threads asking for advice on a first cycle.

    Second, You are still a bit young and WAY too light to be using steroids.

    5'10 and ONLY 155, is NOT anywhere near your natural potential. Which is what you want to reach before EVER considering steroids

    what you need to do is learn how to EAT !! Your diet sucks and that is why you are tiny!! Not being mean, just being real.

    DO NOT give me you have a freaky fast metabolism either, I hear that 100 times a day and each time is the same thing DIET DIET DIET

    You have to eat to grow

    Third, you have done NO research on your own yet and come here wanted hand fed which IS NOT the way we do things here

    YOU need to learn about this stuff, as you are now wanting to become a scientist of your body and screw with its natural hormone system so you better KNOW what you are putting into your body and what to do when things go wrong as they will...

    There are educational threads where you should be reading everything so you have a BASIC knowledge about what you are asking for

    start here:

    then here:

    then here:

    Now play nice and EDUCATE B4 U MEDICATE
    Just in case you didnt' see this in the lounge

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    rugby town(england)
    thanks for the advice, and sorry for the attitude but someone called me a slut.and i didnt know theres certain areas to talk about certain things

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Rising from my Ashes !!
    Quote Originally Posted by wrighty
    thanks for the advice, and sorry for the attitude but someone called me a slut.and i didnt know theres certain areas to talk about certain things

    Its OK, that is why it is best to READ a bunch and learn how things work here BEFORE you jump in posting.

    There are separate forums for just about everything pertaining to bodybuilding here.

    If you click on the button at the top left that says "Forums Home" it will take you to the directory of the forums and you can see each topic.

    chose which pertains to your needs and READ READ READ

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