BF%: 13-15
Cycle exp:
1st was successful-
Test E @ 500mgs/E 5th D
for 10 weeks w/1000mgs FL
PCT-Nolva @ 40mgs week 1
tapering down each week by 10mgs
for 4 weeks. Results were great, 22lb
gain while on,few weeks after pct,
had lost 7lbs, so net was 15lbs.
2nd was same as above, but with
added Naposim @30mgs ED for first
4 weeks. Only thing is cycle was
abruptly cut in half! Will explain...
Hey guys, haven't posted in awhile but it's good to be back. Plan on sticking around this time, providing I'm more careful about my leisure activities. As you can see my 2nd cycle was cut in half due to a parachuting accident I had mid cycle. I'm ex military and formerly a member of the 82nd ABN DIV. Obviously, I have good friends that like to get together still and go jumping,at least once if not twice a year. I was week 5 into #2, just came off d-bol and test was starting to kick in. Then had my accident which left me in hospital for a month. Dislocated hip,cracked pelvis,bruised lungs,concussion, the works. So needless to say, I became very depressed and irritable while laying in hospital bed with no pct supplies. That was a little over a year ago and now I'm back here looking at starting another cycle sometime late fall or early winter. Right now I'm merely focusing on my diet,and doing floor exercises to stay fit and keep metabolism up. I want to say that I did purchase Mr. Roberts book not long after its release and I'm very glad I did. I feel very educated about our topics we discuss here and hopefully can provide good advise to the ones that need it or ask for it. I've been in and out of gym since age 11 and picked up alot of info on workouts and diet along the way. Planning to help in those areas as well. As for my next cycle this winter, planning on good ol test e again for 10 weeks. Just not crazy about trying anything else. Not that fond of the bloat I got with the d-bol. Deca in my book and after extensive research =Tren, maybe after about 3 or 4 more test only cycles. I would like to try a little different approach this cycle though. After last shot of test e, I'd like to add some test p @ 100mgs/ed for 10 straight days before beginning pct. I've read on here about doing that once before, but can't seem to locate that particular thread again
Maybe someone might know which one I'm talking about. Anyways, thanks for reading my post and wish everyone here the best. I'm looking forward to getting to know some of you and catching up on new info. BTW, where is SeaJackal?? That guy knows his stuff and has helped me out before in the past. Is he still here? Thanks, Jon