Sup Guys-
My names Chris and I've seemed to hit a plateau. Looking for a way to bust out of it. Been on here and read some stuff for about the last 6 months. I've been training hard for almost 2 years (i'm 28). 6'2, 197lbs, 18% +- Body fat per calipers; started out at almost 30% and about 270lbs. Now I'm still trying to cut the rest of the fat out, but mainly want to bulk up the muscle a bit- my goal is 220lbs 12%bfi by Memorial Day '08- Boat Season! --is that possible????
My Diet is mainly protein shake and lots of egg whites (egg beaters) for breakfast-- maybe a snack a day of a tablespoon of pb or a handful of almonds. Lunch is mainly grilled or baked chicken or fish. No Starchy veggies- I don't eat a lot of red meat- but when I do it's a small portion. I watch sugar intake- I drink nothing w/ calories- except I allow myself some vodka and water occaisonally. Of course, I do cheat on my diet when I go to grandma's house! Don't want to hurt her feelings- and man that fried chicken's good, mmmmm.)
I workout religiously 4-5 days a week- sometimes more with cardio. My strength has improved a lot since I began, but I seem to be stuck. I have been taking just some stuff I bought off the internet for supplements- have bought bunches of stuff- and to my disappointment haven't got the results I've hoped for. Mostly Protein/Whey shakes(CytoGainer), Testosterone pills (6oxo), Creatine and Glutamine.
I've been researching and reading about steroids for a while, but haven't quite figured out what would be the proper thing for me to do. There's so much info and sometimes it contradicts.
Email if you have any questions or have any comments- gotta have the girls drooling over me more by next summer!