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Thread: new to this board and this life! help please!

  1. #1

    new to this board and this life! help please!

    Hello all- as brief as able, I'm 36yrs old, 6'3" and 180lbs. about 7%BF... but it wasn't always this way... about 2 yrs ago I had a bad motorcycle wreck and almost lost my left leg. After 4.5mths in the hospital and 11 surgeries, I am what I am! Still have my leg and can walk without a limp most days, but am determined to get even better than before! I was at 215lbs with 5%BF! I have done some research and believe this community can assist me in achieving my goals. This is serious to me, and all help will be greatly appreciated. MY email and IM is [email protected]. Please help?

  2. #2
    Sorry to hear about your accident. Great determination. Start reading the forums, there's a ton of good info.

    Welcome aboard.

  3. #3

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Welcome !!


  5. #5
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    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
    Join Date
    Dec 2005

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