I wanted to say hello and tell you a little about me.
45yo male started working out again about 3 years ago. Have been 5days/week for past year with the routine from the AST website. Cannot seem to put on bulk but am very cut. I have increased my diet to 4000+ cal w/180 gm protien/day. Only 170lbs w/9% body fat. I have been on androl (test) gel from my doc and oxandrolone (anavar) off and on for years. I am now being prescribed Test cypionate and I have winstrol and proviron to stack it with. I'm not asking anyone to build me a cycle just wondering if these will work together in a beginning 8 week cycle.
Test Cyp 100mgs/week
Win Tab 50mgs/day
Provirone 2Omgs/day
I could run more Test up to 200mgs. This is what I have. ALso what poet workout therapy do I need with Winstrol/proviron in a stack? Sorry if I forgot anything as I am new here. I searched various ways and did not sind this combination.