Hello All,
Finally decided to take my aging more seriously. I'm in my early 40s and the ol bod is just not looking and feeling like it used to. I have moderate experience with steriods(DHT) and with IGF. But now I'm thinking HGH and possibly some supplemental T might be the best way to keep me lean and mean. I'm not looking to get big, just get and stay fit for as long as possible. My own personal anti-aging program.
Looking forward to learning all I can!!
BTW, I've lurked here quite a bit and have seen the threads on steroids/hormones and penis growth. I can say from personal experience that IGF did nothing for me down there. I injected that stuff all over my body - ass, shoulders, abs. I even tried many subQ on the rod itself just to see what happens. I knew its systemic so wasn't expecting anything and that's what happened. Nothing. Just thought I'd share.