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Thread: New and a bunch of questions

  1. #1

    New and a bunch of questions

    I'm new.
    I have a few of questions. I am a total newbie to Steroids, but would like to start to look better.
    1. Which one should I take? I am about 6'2", 180lbs., and have very little fat that i need to lose.
    2. Where should I order? I live in Idaho, US and want an online shop that is safe, easy, and fast.
    Thank you already,

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by stylemarc View Post
    I'm new.
    I have a few of questions. I am a total newbie to Steroids, but would like to start to look better.
    1. Which one should I take? I am about 6'2", 180lbs., and have very little fat that i need to lose.
    2. Where should I order? I live in Idaho, US and want an online shop that is safe, easy, and fast.
    Thank you already,
    First of all welcome to the board.

    Now you cannot ask where to buy juice anywhere on this board, its against the rules.

    You also need to do A LOT of research. I understand you want answers fast but you need to understand what you are going to be getting yourself into.

    This link will answer all nearly all of your questions. Take the time to read it, there is a wealth of information in there which you need to digest and understand.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    flying from the ashes
    welcome, dont rush into anything just yet. research and take full advantage of steroids without damage and maxium results with knoledge. Good things come to those that wait, and great things come to those with knowledge- Auslifta.
    oh and KALE nice new avvy
    Last edited by auslifta; 11-24-2007 at 11:13 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Welcome................Read,Read,Read Bro..........LOL

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    San Diego
    Welcome. You obviously need to read the rules. Good luck

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