What's up everyone, I've been reading alot of stuff on this site lately and thought it would be worth joining. I'm on active duty in Afghanistan and everything is so available here from AAS to SERM's to AI's. I am 30 years old, 5' 10", 190 lbs, and 10% BF. I have been lifting on and off for my whole career (12 years) but got real serious these last 2. The only thing I've taken minus the usual stuff like creatine, NO2, etc..... is Mass Tabs from IDS. I cycled 4 times, 2 were one month and 2 were 6 weeks. I was pleased with the results I got, which is to say that they far exceeded my expectations. I put on about 15 lbs the first cycle. I am ready to go at something a little more serious and I believe I have done the neccessary research to be safe about it. I will be bringing alot of stuff home with me so my first cycle wont be for at least another 3 months. I am not trying to be 300 lbs and I doubt I will do more than 1 cycle a year. First one being just Test E (wk 1-8 500mg) and Dbol (wk 1-4 25mg daily). I will have just about everything available to me for PCT and have read up on Anthony Robert's and Pheedno's suggestions. That's it for now I'm sure I'll post on some of the other forums, later everyone.