Hello board, I have been working out hard for close to 10, and I'm ready to step up my game ...
Im currently 31, 6 ft, 185 lean ectomorph and I'm tired of wasting my money on shitty supplements full of false hopes and roided up pictures on them.
I'm an extreme hardgainer and believe I have taken my body as far as it's gonna go on chicken breasts and oatmeal. I'm completely natural and have taken my body from a pathetic 145 (to this day I cant believe my father would even let me walk around like that) to my current weight of 185 and while I'm happy I was able to pack 40 lbs naturally - I have been stuck around these strength and mass levels for the last 2-3 years.
My goals are both strength and mass gains for my first cycle
1ST target >>>>>>> 195-200 lbs lean
Thanks for any advise on how I get there !!!